1. Juttle

    The Minion Mobile Gets Ever Closer

    That is some truck - and then some more! What have you got pushing it along? As I remember, those trepadors take a bit of torque to get their attention?
  2. Juttle

    They do exist.

    That looks very tidy considering its age. Good catch, well done!
  3. Juttle

    TD4 tale of woe...

    That's pretty much my opinion, today's idea is to get it collected and taken to a proper diesel engineer! I'll let you know...
  4. Juttle

    TD4 tale of woe...

    New turbo fitted, now only firing on three pots.
  5. Juttle

    TD4 tale of woe...

    Well, time for an update, I think. I left my TD4 with a local garage last Tuesday as requested for them to perform the required surgery. Since then, I've been fed a diet of excuses, misinformation and downright bulldroppings on the occasions that they can be bothered to answer the phone. When...
  6. Juttle

    TD4 tale of woe...

    OK, guys, time for an update. Did the diagnostic thing with with various plug in devices and a smoke generator, when the smoke came on I was waiting for the strobes and a crashing noise that introduced King Crimson, and, after a degree of head scratching and a bit of lever jiggling, the final...
  7. Juttle

    TD4 tale of woe...

    Morning, I've got the Pierburg and fitted it along with the ronbox. The MAP is next in line for a look see, but in an hour I'm plugging in the snap on equivalent of the mothership. Hopefully, it'll come up with an error code that I can actually deal with. I'll report back with the results!
  8. Juttle

    TD4 tale of woe...

    Revs fine standing in neutral, redline - tick over - redline as many times as you like. It's getting plugged into the mothership tomorrow, so more to report hopefully!
  9. Juttle

    TD4 tale of woe...

    If you check my first post you'll notice I referred to the 'under bonnet pump' frustrating when posts don't get read 'ain't it!
  10. Juttle

    TD4 tale of woe...

    Yes, nothing, no errors come up.
  11. Juttle

    TD4 tale of woe...

    Wow, that was quick! OK, lots to work through there. There's no smoke or leaking hoses as they've all been replaced. I've had them go before, so I know what to look for there. I'll start on the list and report back. Thanks a lot, guys!
  12. Juttle

    TD4 tale of woe...

    this is a familiar tale, the one where the hero, my TD4, has all his superpowers removed in much the same manner as kryptonite effects the 'man of steel'. Yes, it's at 70mph, and yes, it's at approx 3000rpm. (Wake up at the back there,) So, you all know the story so all I'm going to do is list...
  13. Juttle

    Greetings, All...

    That could be Mr Mitchell from Sheffield as a guess!
  14. Juttle

    Greetings, All...

    I've been advised to come and have a word with all you knowledgable landrover gurus here as I've heard this forum referred to in hushed, almost awestruck, tones, as "the real 4x4's equivalent of the oracle at Delphi." Right, that's blown enough smoke in the direction of assorted orifices, or...