1. M

    L322 Suspension Mis-Hap

    I think when they were penned by bmw, that was done on an excursion to Solihull whilst visiting one of the local drinkerys, discovering some cheap British lager lol Luckily it’s all back together, just awaiting the call from the local landerover dealer for the replacement bolts. Hoping that...
  2. M

    L322 Suspension Mis-Hap

    Just as I started to loose my farkin marbles it mysteriously just goes into position. I tell there’s no bonkers engineering like this on my R8. It’s put together like a watch :D
  3. M

    L322 Suspension Mis-Hap

    Bolt out. Now replacing the shock. Is this doable one person. Seems to be some kind of Japanese game show caper, shock at an angle with rotating top.
  4. M

    L322 Suspension Mis-Hap

    Thread end of the bolts fubard now, so new bolts ordered. :(
  5. M

    L322 Suspension Mis-Hap

    I’ve put an impact gun on the dam thing and it still won’t turn :mad:
  6. M

    L322 Suspension Mis-Hap

    Oh joy. Slightly cautious of heat near the driveshaft boot. It’s had plenty of penetrating fluid, and the hub moves freely. It takes me back to working on series 2a and 3’s with my dad. I remember now why I’ve tried to steer clear of working on landrovers :D
  7. M

    L322 Suspension Mis-Hap

    Hmmm these things are never straight forward. Strut to hub mounting bolts nuts are off, but the bottom refuses to move. Not even turn. Any tricks to this one.
  8. M

    L322 Suspension Mis-Hap

    Thanks Tricky. I’ve owned the car for 7 of its 11 years and bought it from Landrover so I guess it has its original struts. As for the cost of the unit, I couldn’t find anything much cheaper for a 2010 - 2012 with variable damping. Don’t suppose any one knows of a decent source to download...
  9. M

    L322 Suspension Mis-Hap

    In all honesty, I hadn’t given the other side any thought at this stage. Simply getting the vehicle operational again. I’ll probably use the replacement of other side as entertainment over Christmas.
  10. M

    L322 Suspension Mis-Hap

  11. M

    L322 Suspension Mis-Hap

    When I say orientation, I’m referring to the orientation of the height sensor arm. Yes the 419 was a complete variable damping strut unit from Island 4x4.
  12. M

    L322 Suspension Mis-Hap

    Ok understood. Is the bag replacement as reliable as a complete unit.
  13. M

    L322 Suspension Mis-Hap

    This is reassuring to hear. Gives me hope all will be well when I swap the shock out. Cheers
  14. M

    L322 Suspension Mis-Hap

    Learnings.. in that I’ll be triple checking everything is correctly orientated in future. Expensive as the new shock was £419!!
  15. M

    L322 Suspension Mis-Hap

    Yeah there was a bit of banging then the psssstt. I realised after the event that some of the noise was the suspension being rock hard for short distance. To be fair the bag rubber does look “dried out” compared to the new one. Expensive lesson learned.
  16. M

    L322 Suspension Mis-Hap

    It did go bang, split at the bottom.
  17. M

    L322 Suspension Mis-Hap

    Yeah I’m surprised the bag went. I’d have expected some kind of relief valve to operate. Although I’ve owned Landrovers for 15 years, I’ve not really familiarised myself with them mechanically. Spent my time rebuilding tvr engines :D
  18. M

    L322 Suspension Mis-Hap

    Ok cool. Will make sure I go easy on the tightening of that fitting. I guess my main concern is that the height sensor is somehow now defective, and I risk another birst air bag.
  19. M

    L322 Suspension Mis-Hap

    Evening folks, had been resolving some knocking front suspension on my 2010 L322. Id been replacing lower control arms and drop links. Did one side, a couple of weekends ago, with some improvement, and tackled the passenger side last weekend. In the excitement of finding a ball joint which had...
  20. M

    Range Rover L322 2010 TDV8 - No Audio and TSD Issues

    Ok disconnected the battery and the TSD seems to be working again and audio is back.. Have put the battery on a conditioner to see if I can bring it back up to scratch, if not it'll need replacing! Right, I can get back to putting the Tuscan back together in peace. Thanks all.