1. R

    TD5 losing power at full throttle at 70MPH

    I got my self convinced that something was occasionally blocking the intake, so took it all apart when I got home as had the same symptoms - it worked fine whist it was peeing down on the motorway, but once the rain stopped it started cutting power again. I had checked the airbox with a mirror...
  2. R

    TD5 losing power at full throttle at 70MPH

    I meant lifteing the accelerator pedal!
  3. R

    TD5 losing power at full throttle at 70MPH

    With mine i dont have to turn it off. Boost comes back within a few seconds of lifting the clutch pedal. I think my next move is to replace the wiring from the crank sensor to the ECU. (i already changes the sensor - no change) I get no issues starting it or running it, or even max load for...
  4. R

    TD5 losing power at full throttle at 70MPH

    the saga continues. I noted the turbo had alot of play so had it rebuilt at a local specialist. I also took the intercooler and hose off and checked them all (and cleaned as there was alot of oil due to the turbo leaking a fair bit). The hoses are all silicon and seem fine, and the air input...
  5. R

    TD5 losing power at full throttle at 70MPH

    Tracks 1 & 2 are supposed to add up to the supply voltage (5v), which according to nancom they do. I'm not sure what track 3 is supposed to do but its some form of error correction for the other 2. I'm beginning to wonder if Nanocom is just not fine grained enough to see any short transient...
  6. R

    TD5 losing power at full throttle at 70MPH

    Note - it does have the issue where it won't start for ages if its under about 1/8th tank of fuel, but other than that it has always started instantaly with no isssues. I was wondering if there was air getting in, but the fuel pressure gague (other than on inital start when the tank is low)...
  7. R

    TD5 losing power at full throttle at 70MPH

    Quick Update. I replace: Crank sensor - No change MAP - no change disconencted the AAP (cos a new one is EXPENSIVE!!) - no change.... I have noted that nanocom only seems to have a resolution of about 1 second, so it is going to miss short term peak values, but the engine still never goes over...
  8. R

    TD5 losing power at full throttle at 70MPH

    There is a bit of oil in the red plug. Not much, but I also replaced the injector loom when I did the seals. I just dunked the plug in some brake cleaner - I'm going to try and find one of those secure star drives and take the top of the ECU to see if there is any inside... I think I am going...
  9. R

    TD5 losing power at full throttle at 70MPH

    It is, but Ive cut the webbing out and emery clothed 4 of them level (front 4 cylinders), and packed out the 5th one (nearest the bulkhead) with some extra bits of gasket (the proper metal one) so it all seems to be nice and well seated with no leaks. I only did this this weekend, as it did...
  10. R

    TD5 losing power at full throttle at 70MPH

    Hi - I've got what looks like the classic overboost issue with my TD5 - at 70-75MPH after a few mins it loses power and drops to ~55MPH. If I back the acclerator off a bit power returns. On the flat it can maintain ~70 constantly but as soon as a bit more power is needed for a hill the issue...