1. Swivel

    Children in the back

    My 6 year old (1.23m high, this week) is not going to be happy about me acting on this thread, the side facing seats are where the funs the most she says. I didn't even consider there would be an issue with the side facing seats and went with a 2002 CSW 90 because of the extra seating...
  2. Swivel

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    after suffering three days of it i've just started the whats that smell investigation. I would describe it as a kind of wet dead mouldy animal sock type smell. thinking it must be some carpet somewhere but nothing seems to be wet? Any ideas?
  3. Swivel

    Landrover Rattle

    My sliding rear windows have now stopped rattling after fitting the woolies trim I mentioned. Down to 3 rattles now!!
  4. Swivel

    Landrover Rattle

    I have several known places at the minute, something above my head in the roof lining, something in both the driver and passenger doors (not including the windows when they are open) both rear windows and the passenger seat when its empty. I ordered some window trim from Woollies that I'll be...
  5. Swivel

    It's raining heavily....

    I had the same on mine until I applied an inch square of gaffer tape. Three weeks and lots of rain later and it's all good still! Jobs a good un. Thanks for the link tho Coffeelandy , I can see that working well on mine when the tape eventually falls off.
  6. Swivel

    Is this an official lane near Hinckley Leicestershire?

    Just back from this lane, nice little drive in the rain and I managed to take in a second one on the way home that Id found. Got nice an muddy on the way then managed to wash it all off on a couple of big puddles down the lanes As Phil said some decent pot holes at one end but other than that...
  7. Swivel

    Is this an official lane near Hinckley Leicestershire?

    Do I just show my passport at the border and bring a sacrifice for the wicker man?
  8. Swivel

    Is this an official lane near Hinckley Leicestershire?

    Maybe next week then turbo eh? ill check out the above one tomoz seems a lot easier going than the two I did last weekend!
  9. Swivel

    Is this an official lane near Hinckley Leicestershire?

    Thanks for the offer west slope but your place looks a bit far for a weekend trip. :rolleyes:
  10. Swivel

    Is this an official lane near Hinckley Leicestershire?

    You could add it to mine:D
  11. Swivel

    Is this an official lane near Hinckley Leicestershire?

    New to it all as well but I'm in if you've got room for one more :)
  12. Swivel

    Lurker turned new member

    Afternoon All, After several weeks of reading threads and general lurking on the forum I've final joined up after buying a 2002 90 a few weeks back. After an eventful trip out alone on a small lane last weekend before I get stuck again I figured I could maybe make some friends on here to get...