1. L

    Freelander 2 (LR2) Rear shock issue - help?

    Am being reimbursed for faulty shock not fitting, but that's ok. Am pleased it doesn't appear to be anything more serious than a bit of bad luck. Thank you for your time and advice - it has been very much appreciated. The original faulty shock wasn't labeled so I've no idea it's make. And...
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    Freelander 2 (LR2) Rear shock issue - help?

    Thank you so much for your help and advice. The garage who have the car in at the moment have already offered to box up the one they are removing so I can send it back to the original fitter. The original fitter has said he will return to his supplier and send me the refund if the part is...
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    Freelander 2 (LR2) Rear shock issue - help?

    Just had a call from local garage who have had it in over night, stripped it again this morning and told me the shock is definitely faulty and not stickered up at all, so Def not genuine LR part! Anyway it is faulty as has also blown and leaked all its oil! Let's see if another replacement...
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    Freelander 2 (LR2) Rear shock issue - help?

    That's what both the mechanic who fitted them and the mechanic who is trying to fix them/problem have both said! But it appears that Land-rovers are seen as vehicles from the moon in comparison to standard vehicles!?! I don't understand why I have to research these things in order to help them...
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    Freelander 2 (LR2) Rear shock issue - help?

    I am not sure? As far as I am aware they would have been genuine Land-rover parts - that's what I paid for, but doesn't mean they are! Would that indicate to something other than if they were aftermarks potential substandard quality?
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    Freelander 2 (LR2) Rear shock issue - help?

    Hi All, I am wondering if anyone who has knowledge of rear shocks and the issues that may occur following replacement? I had what I thought was a simple problem and has since turned in to a not so funny comedy of errors and I would greatly appreciate any ideas that may help me out? Slightly...
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    Hello Austen, I hope you are well. I am new to this site as.of yesterday and I have been...

    Hello Austen, I hope you are well. I am new to this site as.of yesterday and I have been recommended to send you a message and being new to this site can not see (on my phone) where to email you directly. Would this be an appropriate means of asking your advice? Many thanks Jodi
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    Newbie :-) novice and in need of advice please?

    Hello to you if your are reading this, I hope it finds you well. I am new to this site and also new to the concept of forums. So please forgive me if I get anything wrong? I'm in a spot of bother and not being a mechanic or having any technical knowledge, I really would be most appreciative...