1. Alp Landy

    3dr Light Bars

    Any one out there?
  2. Alp Landy

    3dr Light Bars

    Did anyone make the g4 light bar, or know where i can get one please? :)
  3. Alp Landy

    what G4 part is this?

    I have bought a 2006 3 door G4 event vehicle and there are no holes, so this clamped on, as evidenced from the marks on the gutter under the trim. Did anyone make any up? :)
  4. Alp Landy

    Genuine Landrover 100" Swiss Prototype restored

    anyone know why I getting the message when i try to upload an image?: The following error occurred The uploaded file is empty The .jpg photo is in the file and displays perfectly...
  5. Alp Landy

    Genuine Landrover 100" Swiss Prototype restored

    I thought you might all appreciate some photos of an ongoing project. I found an early 80's Landrover 100" Prototype languishing in a field and agreed to buy it from the seller. It had stood in the field unprotected for about 25 years! I knew what it was and felt it right and proper to return...
  6. Alp Landy

    Building a Q plate 90

    yes the newer or better repaired the chassis is the better chance you have but if the tin worm has got in where you cannot see you have problems, my brother's retro galvanised chassis rotted from the inside out... Re twisting, it is highly unlikely a chassis will twist when being galved, more...
  7. Alp Landy


    thank you!
  8. Alp Landy

    French Alps

    OK So we are kinda in LZIR thread I get that...
  9. Alp Landy

    French Alps

    What is LZIR? :)
  10. Alp Landy

    Series 2a Aluminium Series Steering Wheel ??

    but seriously a horn push or wheel centre would be good! I think I will have to fabricate something!
  11. Alp Landy

    Series 2a Aluminium Series Steering Wheel ??

    not sure about where to get an airbag for it either! ;)
  12. Alp Landy

    Series 2a Aluminium Series Steering Wheel ??

    I thought that, we live in the Alps where it goes down to -30c. Gloves required!
  13. Alp Landy


    We live at 1850 metres so will not have to wait long hopefully! :)
  14. Alp Landy


    long range forecasts are promising it!
  15. Alp Landy

    French Alps

    If you are ever stuck in the French Alps give me a shout!
  16. Alp Landy

    Series 2a Aluminium Series Steering Wheel ??

    Has any one seen one of these before?! I bought a left hand drive series 2a miltary ambulance recently that had been standing in PA Blanchard's yard for a 'while'! I wanted all of the LHD bits to convert my Series 2a I have in France to LHD. It had an aluminium steering wheel fitted! Has any...
  17. Alp Landy

    Building a Q plate 90

    my brother bought a series that had an 'old' chassis that had been galvanised, and it had to be replaced as it still rotted away!
  18. Alp Landy


    Hi there, I needed snow chains to get out of town the other day, but I was driving a van with a defender on a trailer behind! We use studded winter tyres in town in the winter as the local council does not clear the road down to tarmac, but rather polishes the snow to ice! Winter is coming! :)
  19. Alp Landy


    Hello from the alps!