1. Jon.g1

    Freelander 1 changing heater knobs

    @Rimini-Scott They look like the ones from an mgf? I reguards to the ones on the pre facelift, its quite common for rubberised items to go sticky, they can be cleaned with rubbing alcohol
  2. Jon.g1

    Freelander rear disc conversion

    Nice, have you more pic's, been thinking of this myself, shoes on mine are pretty fresh and adjusted and handbrake is crap, also feels like most of braking is on front end. I know people always point out in was never made with disks on the rear.. but rally cars have been having conversions for...
  3. Jon.g1

    dash grab handle with lid/top of airbag unit.

    I never did find the pics i'd stumbled across, just waiting on a couple parts then i'll have a play myself
  4. Jon.g1

    dash grab handle with lid/top of airbag unit.

    Evening guys, I was hunting about some posts the other day about the dash grab handle, and someone has posted that they had replaced the box in the dash with the lid/top panel from a passenger airbag unit to mount some switches, I spent ages hunting and now can't find the post, can anyone direct...
  5. Jon.g1

    Disabling single door unlocking

    I take it that is with the additional 'grey' dongle? Don't suppose your aware if hawkeye is able to program new keys to the ews 3d?
  6. Jon.g1

    Disabling single door unlocking

    It would definetely be useful to know, if it can be used fr configuring then i may bite the bullet and get one.
  7. Jon.g1

    Disabling single door unlocking

    I was wanting to do the mod to fold the mirrors on lock/unlock but as I have to double press unlock they'll fold again. Also curious as to what else can be done. I've got a clifford smart start alarm/remote start to install at some point so worse case I can program it to pulse an aux on lock/unlock
  8. Jon.g1

    Disabling single door unlocking

    Bugger I feared as much. Will keep trawling eBay. Are there many options that are configurable on a Fl, mines a 2001. Also can these diagnostics tools program keys to the immobiliser, I can do it directly with a tool I've got but requires removal of the ews ecu for direct connection to the mcu
  9. Jon.g1

    Disabling single door unlocking

    Evening chaps. As above what can I use to disable single door unlocking. I already have access to some advanced diagnostics gear, but it doesn't have options to configure the CCU and I don't really want to fork out loads on another bit of kit Cheers Jon
  10. Jon.g1

    Freelander 1 Rear Diff Mount Replacement - How to Guide

    I done my mounts on saturday, although i hadn't first seen this thread, took me, about an hour and a half including a quick stop for a coffee in the middle, what i found is that my removing all three center bolts, the nose of the diff could be moved towards the nearside (without first removing...
  11. Jon.g1

    New Member from Somerset

    Evening Chaps, I'm Jon, I came across this forum whilst hunting for info about my Freelander. I Brought her in June with 76k on the clock, a slow water leak at first which was from the inlet manifold gasket, also a oil leak from the cam seals (belt end) so replaced gasket seals, water pump and...
  12. Jon.g1

    Snorkel question

    Managed to pull a couple from my fb at lower size. Fitted a couple of light bars, full set of ats and had the rear windows Blacked out last week.
  13. Jon.g1

    Snorkel question

    Morning chaps. I stumbled across this thread via Google, and have joined up as a result, have been a member for years on difflock and various fb groups. I know it's a long shot but I really like the look of these raised intakes (moulded one on silver fl) and was wonder of the chaps making them...