1. Shed Weekly

    Wood interior episode 2

    Haha, ye I know the tools I used especially the massive saw are not the correct ones but it did the job in the end.
  2. Shed Weekly

    Wood interior episode 2

    The second episode is now live go view on YouTube here. All views are appreciated.
  3. Shed Weekly

    North Yorkshire

    Surprised that anyone responded haha.
  4. Shed Weekly

    Series 3 Wooden boot, YouTube

    Hi, I have just released the first part of my boot flooring build here. All views are highly appreciated.
  5. Shed Weekly

    YouTube Show

    There is my Land Rover in this at some point... This is what I have been working on and it would be great if you could all help show support by liking the video etc as it will mean a lot to me to help keep this going forever I hope. I hope you enjoy the video.
  6. Shed Weekly

    Series 3 & YouTube Series

    Just want to mention again my YouTube channel which will have it's 'first' video up this Sunday and I wanted people just to watch the trailer so that I know for Sunday's video people will watch it. The show will be featuring my Series 3 and I have also taken lots of videos and photos of it's...
  7. Shed Weekly

    North Yorkshire

    Anyone here?
  8. Shed Weekly

    Painting and filming myself doing it.

    Painting and filming myself doing it.
  9. Shed Weekly

    Land Rover & YouTube

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgKje2CPvwc9Enpxz73MzzA I would like anyone/everyone to visit the link and watch the trailer as well as subscribe. I have big plans on what I'll do for a Land Rover video (will be a while till release) and it can only be made possible if everyone can help. Thanks
  10. Shed Weekly

    Weekly show (Features Land Rover Series 3 project)

    I plan on making a weekly show which will include at least one Land Rover (Series 3) and I have made a trailer for this on YouTube which the show will also go onto. All views are much appreciated as it is only 45 seconds and the more it gets the more likely it is to happen. Thanks, Harrison
  11. Shed Weekly

    Series 3 Series 3 Pics

    I plan on creating a weekly series on classic cars and for the first episode I will be showing my car (Land Rover Series 3) and I wanted to also include photos of anyone else's. So if you own a Series 3 and want it to be featured please send it to me on here if that is possible.
  12. Shed Weekly

    Series 3

    Hello my name is Harrison and I am the proud owner of my Series 3 which is also my first car.