1. L

    Kenlowe fan fuse casing?

    Thanks i did search but obviously not very well! part of my problem was that i wasnt sure what term to search for, being the numpty I am i was only guessing it was the fuse casing. I'll phone kenlowe, if its expensive I might just ram it together and bind it up;) i dont think it blew, it just...
  2. L

    Kenlowe fan fuse casing?

    My kenlowe fan has been running fine, until I realised one day that it wasnt coming on at all, thankfully we were not in a traffic jam on a hot day. I think that the fuse casing is what has broken, so its simply not connected. Problem is where do I buy a new casing from? The pic shows the two...
  3. L

    15 years in, still in love

    I have just joined landyzone, its taken a while but my 110 NA diesel has been so reliable ive never had any problems! Its a 1990, which i bought for £4k in 2000, and after a trip round Europe with no issues except losing my rear silencer in Monaco, it became part of the family. Its just...