1. KatieMakes

    Freelander soft top on the scrounge !

    That would be great, how much are you looking for? Andy who has replied is my husband by the way 🤣
  2. KatieMakes

    Freelander soft top on the scrounge !

    the things we do for our cars eh! Is one of them spare then? With the clamps and everything? Might you be looking to sell it?
  3. KatieMakes

    Freelander soft top on the scrounge !

    Did you have any success? Having sold a complete roof 6 months ago with plans to get shot of my freelander, that freelander is now working beautifully and I can’t bear to get rid of it, so back to the roof, managed to pick up a soft top but no brackets.
  4. KatieMakes

    My first landy...

    Thank you, there's some good options there, I guess it's as likely to explode as any isn't it, three weeks ago I would've said my engine was in perfect working order too :)
  5. KatieMakes

    My first landy...

    So it's been a testing winter, the aux belt snapped and wrapped bits of itself round the cam shaft pulley :( which destroyed the seal about a week before our wedding, took it to the nearest garage to fix while we were away on honeymoon and, I quote, 'sorry love, couldn't see where the leak was...
  6. KatieMakes

    New hippo owner :)

    Thank you both :)
  7. KatieMakes

    My first landy...

    So, after years of playing in other people's landy's it was probably time to get my own! Found an '02 plate, 3dr, Freelander 1 TD4 with a little over 140k miles on the clock, a pretty new clutch, only slightly leaky roof and new (if cheap) tyres for pretty cheap. Since buying it in January she's...
  8. KatieMakes

    New hippo owner :)

    Heya, I bought myself a Freelander 1 (3dr woo!) back in January, I'm not new to landies, my now fiance used to give me lifts as a teenager in his dad's Freelander 1, so my hippo is a bit of a trip down memory lane! In our house we also have an L-reg Defender and, the most recent acquisition (and...