1. V8DJS

    Brake Pipe Replacement

    Evening guys, sorry its taken me so long to reply. I've been nursing a burnt arm from not paying enough attention while grinding :( :( Anyway thank you all for your inputs I will take note of everything I have been told and hopefully I will get something close to a perfect set of brakes ha!!
  2. V8DJS

    Brake Pipe Replacement

    Evening all, I posted afew months back about how i've brought a v8 disco and had to learn to get it welded up in all the usual places...well that's going pretty well so far (fingers crossed!) My next venture is going to be replacing the brake pipes. So I am hoping someone can throw afew tips...
  3. V8DJS

    My Little project...have I bitten off more than I should have....

    i may be over thinknig things rather than looking but im trying to understand the idea between inner and outer sills. they are my biggest worry.
  4. V8DJS

    My Little project...have I bitten off more than I should have....

    WOW if i can manage to get my repairs half as good as yours i will be over the moon haha!! thanks for sharing your work
  5. V8DJS

    My Little project...have I bitten off more than I should have....

    So after HOURS of bugging my father in law and scrolling through ebay I saw a 1998 Disco 3.9 V8i that after abit of going backwards and forwards i ended up driving home with a BIIIIIG smile on my face!! So i started to do abit of poking around today and found that it wants new sills both sides...
  6. V8DJS

    Hi from me!!

    Evening ladies and gents. Thought id say hi after stalking around the threads for the last few months. Ive just brought my first Landy after getting over excited on ebay...woops!! Its a 1998 3.9 v8 discovery in ES spec... dont know a great deal about the spec levels but as far as i can see...