1. R

    Tech support

    Spam no and it's a product that you can buy through land rover parts network made by u-pol only. To answer the idiot questions if you lick windows this is the least of your problems. And if you want to put glitter in it yes you can though why you would want to drive a glitter ball is beyond me.
  2. R

    Tech support

    http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=u-pol%20raptor%20liner%20kit&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CCkQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.co.uk%2FU-POL-Tintable-TRUCK-LINER-COATING-Bedliner%2Fdp%2FB002M0S9AE&ei=SWOiVZnhMsf1UIn6paAM&usg=AFQjCNGvm1qRVLoytVEGURtB5NKLvzWH5w&bvm=bv.97653015,d.d24 Here is...
  3. R

    Tech support

    Hi all I'm on here to offer any technical support or help for people coating their vehicles with spam. I work for spam as a product specialist so any questions you have please feel free to ask them.