1. B

    Carawagon it's not

    My God I want one!
  2. B

    Land Rover Markk III Died

    Yes, and as an interesting sidenote, you can extinguish a cigarette in diesel but not petrol. Anyway, I'm having a look later this evening and will report back.
  3. B

    Land Rover Markk III Died

    I wasn't there so I didn't. SO it could have been that the engine has now blown?
  4. B

    Land Rover Markk III Died

    Right, I was told some more info and it might help 1: The car had used all it's diesel, all, dry as a bone. 2: It was given a quart of petrol from a Seat Arosa (Irrelevant yes) 2: It started, then after two or three seconds it began to rev like a mo fo, when the owner yelled to his brother to...
  5. B

    Land Rover Markk III Died

    It's a diesel. And it's not burning it's oil.
  6. B

    Land Rover Markk III Died

    Hello everyone, I'd greatly appreciate some help with this matter if it's not too much trouble. A friend of mine has a 1978 Land Rover Mark III. He was driving it today when the fuel warning light came on and the car suddenly began over revving and died. I think that the fuel pump may have come...