1. C

    TD4 fuel cooler replacement

    Hi All, TD4 02 plate. Fuel cooler got a leak under the rubber holder on the right side (looking in). Any tips, hints or warnings when I replace the part ? Cheers CC
  2. C

    Fluid leak

    Thanks, clutch changed recently, so that explains its cleanliness..... doh. Found the leak. Coming from the fuel cooler. Under the rubber seal on the right (looking in). So, find another and replace??? Thanks.
  3. C

    Fluid leak

    Thanks skinny, I'll have another look today. Cc
  4. C

    Fluid leak

    Hi All, came back to my TD4 02 and found a lovely rainbow pattern on the tarmac. Looking in from the front, there's a lot of fresh wetness. However, the pictures I've included are of a 'spout ' or 'pipe'. The reason I'm suspicious is because it's lovely and clean. Has something come loose? I...
  5. C

    V6 03 2.5

    Evenin' All, How much should a replacement engine be? Mate picked one up and it needs a new engine. I'm sure it'll be a wide range depending on state and history etc. Many Thanks Cc
  6. C

    Freelander V6 2.5

    Evenin' All. A mate picked up an 03 V6. Looks like it needs a new engine. What kind of price should her be looking at? Thanks
  7. C

    Weird one?

    Thanks. Will do. Cc
  8. C

    Weird one?

    Thanks, yes, I've just found a belt ripped off. Not sure which one. Sits on the left side looking into the engine from the front. About 3/4 inch wide with several grooves that match several wheels. Thanks. Difficult to fit? Cheers Cc
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    Weird one?

    Mornin' All. Going to work at 5 this morning. Just pulling out of my road and stalled. Think I turned the ignition over again a second before the engine actually died. Battery light came on. Lost power steering. Pulled over, stopped and started the car, couldn't get the power steering back. Not...