1. ogb

    Help with part numbers, please

    Hiya - back here after an 18 month lay-off and about to get my knuckles skinned again - oh the joy. Anyway, my 110 Defender is a bit of a hybrid, with bits sourced from all ages which the PO didn't keep any records of. I need to replace the rear brake discs but he swapped the Salisbury axle for...
  2. ogb

    How to top up transfer box without a pump

    Termorrer. I got stuff to do.
  3. ogb

    How to top up transfer box without a pump

    Asda (Radox) shower gel bottle. Has a pump which I connect a bit of plastic tube to.
  4. ogb

    Masai Rear Drawer - D90

    Looks good.
  5. ogb

    Masai Rear Drawer - D90

    If anyone's interested, I have a slide-out base that came with my Defender 110 that is serious engineering, serious weight too, and the receipt says it cost 600 notes. I took it out 'cos I wanted to have a floor I could stand on instead of slide out, but it extends rearwards for however long the...
  6. ogb

    Masai Rear Drawer - D90

    How much?!!! I could put up with an awful lot of S**t* with the change I got from a DIY alternative.;) FWIW, I have side windows from the OP's quoted source which started shedding paint after 6 months. The company's response to my complaint was less than positive, ill-informed and, frankly...
  7. ogb

    can you open Bonnet with spare wheel on?

    Useful info, that. Ta. In the absence of the beefier spring, I've found that pulling the bonnet release and then putting a clothes peg between the handle and the bracket works pretty well to keep everything unlocked while I go around the front and lift the bonnet.
  8. ogb

    can you open Bonnet with spare wheel on?

    Have 2 spares, one at the back on a swingaway, the other on the bonnet. The latter is a bit of a push to lift but do-able as long as you position yourself properly. The solid rod prop is the one to use. I also removed the OEM bonnet catch as it's a bit like a spear head waiting to impale you; I...
  9. ogb

    Snorkel tops

    I think, as indicated by 300bhp and Litch, that the forward-facing air scoop is nothing but cosmetic and makes absolutely no difference to the process of getting air to the engine other than sucking cash from your wallet. Certainly, you don't need any ram air - this is just street-poser rubbish...
  10. ogb

    Anyone doing the NC500 in June 2020?

  11. ogb

    Extra window

    I put sliding Masai windows in the space behind the door pillar. Crap quality - as I complained to them when the paint blistered and peeled off the frames within a year - but they do the job of giving greater vision very well. You could get away with one, obviously, but I put a matching pair in...
  12. ogb

    Anyone doing the NC500 in June 2020?

    If so, you might be interested in this: "This summer the Rotary Club, Elgin are running another "MotorFun" event in Elgin's Cooper Park over the weekend of 6/7 June. Some of you who live locally might be aware of the format, which invites enthusiasts to bring their cherished vehicles for the...
  13. ogb

    Britpart master Cylinder-trustworthy?

    Did you have any braking at all, even if you stood up on the pedal? If you did, I'd suspect the vacuum pump as it happened to me recently. If the pedal went to the floor, look at the master and slave cylinders (assuming good fluid levels). A drip of fluid down the pedal arm is a giveaway,as s/o...
  14. ogb

    Britpart master Cylinder-trustworthy?

    Brakes are a safety critical item, right? Why would you be considering fitting a possibly dodgy part for the sake of saving a few quid? This might sound a bit evangelical, but I've made that mistake, thinking that OEM parts carry an outrageous mark-up that isn't justified. This might be a...
  15. ogb

    Some help please, thieves on my doorstep

    My last line of defence is to park my wife's car right behind. It's a relatively new model with all the Bells and Sirens - nobody'd bother trying to move that.
  16. ogb

    Some help please, thieves on my doorstep

    I recall reading a post on this forum - I think - that reported the results of wiring a HUGE siren alarm to a trembler switch. The image of a tea-leaf with bleeding eardrums rolling around on the driveway still makes me chuckle.:)
  17. ogb

    Tyres - confused!

    I guess it depends on what the ultimate intended use is. I have 265/75 s and they work great on sand - where I want to "float" over the surface, but noisy and wear quickly on tarmac. I've found them OK in mud, but perhaps I don't get as deeply involved as some. I picked up some 235s a year ago...
  18. ogb

    What is this and what does it do?

    I bought a Defender, not a Toyota, purely because it can be fixed, maintained and generally messed about with using standard Home Workshop tools. This, as I've subsequently discovered, is the reason why they're so popular and other Defender drivers wave at me when we pass - they have skinned...
  19. ogb

    Led light bars

    Perhaps not an answer to the OP's question, but doesn't a roof mounted light bar put everything close to the vehicle into deepest darkest blackness and make it useless for illuminating the way ahead except at a distance, which is why we have headlamps?
  20. ogb

    Defender instrumentation panel and rear wiper switch wiring

    I'd check the motor, as you say. I did this replacement-of-the-rear-wash/wipe a while back (300Tdi) and had a hell of a job with fault-finding what I thought was a perfect install. Turned out that the motor was u/s right out of the box - the newest component in the whole damn set-up. Britpart...