1. J

    LZ11 as it happens (put yer pics in ere)

    Nothing wrong with owning a BMW! I happen to have one too :D
  2. J

    LZ11 as it happens (put yer pics in ere)

    Have you seen the blackline coating for Defenders? Looks ideal..
  3. J

    LZ11 as it happens (put yer pics in ere)

    If you had some to sort then I might suggest it..
  4. J

    Howdy all!

    Haha thanks, yes Will likewise!
  5. J

    LZ11 as it happens (put yer pics in ere)

    Definitely worth a go, it's brilliant!
  6. J

    LZ11 as it happens (put yer pics in ere)

    Yeah I have a reasonably severe detailing addiction so my cars get obsessively cleaned.. Haha and no that definitely wasn't me you were chatting to!
  7. J

    LZ11 as it happens (put yer pics in ere)

    Thanks! Likewise with your folder. Yeah a mix of a dual action polisher and some Auto Finesse Tripple did a fine job, there were a lot of scratches.. Then again I'd rather use it than shy away from a few bushes!
  8. J

    LZ11 as it happens (put yer pics in ere)

    I'm.. not sure. I don't think so..?
  9. J

    Howdy all!

    Yes thanks, was ace!
  10. J

    LZ11 as it happens (put yer pics in ere)

    My bad! Done now..
  11. J

    Howdy all!

    Hello everyone, been meaning to join the forum for some time instead of just reading.. after the gathering last weekend I decided I needed to get my act together and get on here so yes, hello everyone and nice to have met those of you who were there at the weekend. I've dropped some photos...
  12. J

    LZ11 as it happens (put yer pics in ere)

    Much as James did, I've uploaded my pics to OneDrive, feel free to have a browse! https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=8ce0d5a42718865d!212&authkey=!AK7UvMrRuxXKKKc&ithint=folder%2cJPG
  13. J

    LZ11 as it happens (put yer pics in ere)

    Cracking weekend all, nice to meet everyone. I'll be sure to post all my pics asap!