1. N

    L322 ignition key wont turn

    thanks for the replies. I will check both the keys thanks and hopefully its that.... on a side note is it right that I can only have 1 key registered at any 1 time (when I link up the second key to the car it cancels the 1st so remote locking is cancelled) is the coil surround part of the...
  2. N

    L322 ignition key wont turn

    Hi All Hope someone can help me out, here is my problem When I put my key in the ignition it wont turn I can hear the steering lock opening and closing it does this about 3-4 times then stops and I cant turn the key :( if I keep trying it does finally let me turn the key and start the car, I...
  3. N

    some speakers not working

    Cheers I will get some contact cleaner tomorrow, I will use my sons toothbrush because he never seams to want to use it haha
  4. N

    some speakers not working

    What is a bm54 I hope that smiley face means it can be fixed with bluetack and hope haha I will have a google search thanks for the info ☺
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    some speakers not working

    Just had a look, there is signs of water damage but only a small amount all the connectors are still there but dull with a bit of green corrosion in places. I will try and buy a small wire brush or something of the weekend or is it a case of replacing it now its been wet Thanks
  6. N

    hi all

    Hi Finally got myself a range rover vogue I have been wanting one for years and loving it so far 😁 I really don't know how I've managed without one for all these years.
  7. N

    some speakers not working

    Will do thanks
  8. N

    some speakers not working

    Hi I'm new to range rovers but loving it so far :-) I don't know how I've managed this long without one. But I do have a problem I need some advice on, only the speakers at the bottom of the doors are working but none of the higher ones give any sound so it all sounds very low. The sat nav...