1. nishfish

    Gearing problem

    Have you tried changing the gearbox oil? I used to have problems with 2nd both up and down. Changed the oil (some brand, can't remember but nothing special) and I've not had a problem since. You might be lucky. Worth a try. The state of the oil that came out suggested that it hadn't been...
  2. nishfish

    Replacing Rear Side Windows In A 90

    muply. van sides makes it a right pain in the arse when pulling out right onto a road that is less than perpendicular. i tend to now swing the van to appear as though I'm turning left, only to turn right. gives you just a little more line of sight. or fit extra mirrors. or trust a passenger. or...
  3. nishfish

    Green laning in Cambridge / Green lane maps

    :eek: What I will say is whenever I've seen something pulled out, it's inevitably been an un-lifted disco or a range rover. You won't know until you give it a go will you? I've PM'd the details.
  4. nishfish

    Green laning in Cambridge / Green lane maps

    Starting at Wisbech and heading back toward Cambridge I think. Won't know for sure until Thursday, when we have a pub meet to have a chat. The problem with round here is it's rather flat, so nothing really challenging, but especially in the fens there is a lot of clay which means you can get...
  5. nishfish

    Green laning in Cambridge / Green lane maps

    Josh Not that many close to Cambridge itself and a few that are temporarily closed to the NW of that sheet. You'll find you'll probably need the adjoining maps. Grippa's right, the Explorer maps are better, but you'll end up buying more maps. I end up fluro-highlighting the lanes anyway. Not...
  6. nishfish

    propshaft - serviceable/replace/dont bother??

    did about 2w ago. as I was adding grease it was squirting out from behind the gaiter/seal, so I didnt put much in at all, barely a full pump from a small gun. should that just slide back over the thicker part of the shaft and that's it? the prop seems solid enough, no play in the shaft itself...
  7. nishfish

    Green laning in Cambridge / Green lane maps

    The county has a lot of lanes, but quite a few are currently closed especially around Little Downham/Aldreth/Coveney, opening up hopefully end of the month. Get a few Landranger or Explorer maps. Memory Map is better still. Or join the local (reasonably active) GLASS group and you can get...
  8. nishfish

    propshaft - serviceable/replace/dont bother??

    getting the bits together to replace uj's at the weekend and seeing as the prop will be off... can i have someone's opinion on the state of the prop. just tidy it up a bit or does it need more? cheers
  9. nishfish

    clunk/click when on ruff tarmac, from the front, any ideas?

    just checked and no that seems fine. it's defo the uj, movement in both directions. all the others are fine. cheers
  10. nishfish

    clunk/click when on ruff tarmac, from the front, any ideas?

    could any movement whatsover (ie ~ 1mm) lead to this. I occasionally get a loud clunk on changing gear quickly and some vibration/low grinding noise when taking the foot off the pedal over 40, even on normal roads. 3 of the uj's are rock solid although I have now spotted some weeping at the...
  11. nishfish

    Cambs Area Warning

    Thanks. Richard is definitely the local rep and I've emailed him separately for more details. I've also notifieed the local GLASS group as AFAIK we have yet to receive the same notification. I can agree with your POV to a degree, but what about other legitimate users such as horses, MTB...
  12. nishfish

    Cambs Area Warning

    out of curiousity which site was this? i drive the legal lanes in this area and i'm well aware of the incidents the article refers to as there was quite a bit of local media coverage (albeit a few months ago). i also know the cambridgeshire trf rep and he often posts in multiple forums...
  13. nishfish

    Wading plugs

    thanks fellas. confirmed as 1/4" BSP for both the bell housing and the timing belt cover and not a mixture of imperial/metric as discussed elsewhere in other threads. just a word of advice for anyone else reading in future, my local plumb centre didn't carry the smaller plug size. local...
  14. nishfish

    Wading plugs

    Off on a trip to Wales on Sunday and forgot to order wading plugs online and now might not get them in time. Does anyone know the size of bolt/thread? I was thinking I might be able to get something similar from a local ironmonger. It's a 200tdi. Cheers
  15. nishfish

    Greenlaning in Norfolk/Suffolk/Cambridgeshire

    Willingham lanes are closed. CCC now have increased powers over normal/seasonal TRO's to close this lanes as they see fit. The signage says "No Motor Vehicles 1st Oct to 30th April or when barrier is locked closed". Note the the final bit. This is not a seasonal TRO. The lane can be shut at...