1. M

    Portugal trek august 2015 anyone?

    Vince, thank you for the tip about the toll. Not wishing it to rain but the weather is looking promising. At least it will not be snowing like it did last year when we met up! Looking forward to seeing you all Sunday.
  2. M

    Portugal trek august 2015 anyone?

    Not wanting to temp it too much but it looks good towards the end of the week
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    Portugal trek august 2015 anyone?

    Count down has started
  4. M

    Portugal trek august 2015 anyone?

    Certainly will be. Almost ready, just a couple of items to source.
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    Portugal trek august 2015 anyone?

    Vince How is your new tent? Have you tried it out yet?
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    Portugal trek august 2015 anyone?

    Have land rover breakdown cover as well as AA to cover the trailer in case of an accident or serious failure. So on that front well covered. Place found to stay on route to Coja a couple of hours out of Santander.
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    Portugal trek august 2015 anyone?

    Not sure what spares to take this time, might get a front wheel and rear wheel bearing just in case but I think that will be my extent. Have spare wheel bearings for the trailer though but must buy some grease! Have been trying to work out where stay on our first night before we catch you...
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    Portugal trek august 2015 anyone?

    Gosh you chaps have been busy and even packed to go! James, have you left enough ventilation around your fridge? If it is hot it might struggle to keep the beer cold.... Hmm must pull my finger out and check over everything.
  9. M

    Portugal trek august 2015 anyone?

    Hi We are the third members of the group and really looking forward to the trip. Jamie and Lu