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    Clunking when slowing to a stop in neutral (2.4 90)

    Hey guys. Quick update on this one. I took it down to the local garage and from the description, and particularly the fact that the hand brake lever was getting hot over a time, they diagnosed it as a the handbrake being out of adjustment. The juddering was only manifesting once the handbrake...
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    Clunking when slowing to a stop in neutral (2.4 90)

    Thanks guys for the input. I'm going to err on the side of caution and pick up a cheap rental for the weekend and get this looked at. It doesn't seem to affect drivability, but boy does it sound bad. Can't help but feel like driving it in this condition may cause connected issues. I'll...
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    Clunking when slowing to a stop in neutral (2.4 90)

    All tight and it tracks straight and true, no pulling to either side. The only feedback I get is the sound, and jolts of deceleration, like something's snagging. I just ran it back home cold, no more than half a mile, and nothing, not a peep.
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    Clunking when slowing to a stop in neutral (2.4 90)

    Hi chaps, So, 500 miles in and there's a new noise that I don't particularly like. I first noticed it a couple of weeks ago, once, but then nothing since. It's now back with a vengeance and getting worse. A bit of background... Driving short distance is fine. It's only developing after...
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    Enough of my friends and family have had issue with LRs in the past that I can see where that comes from. And yet I still dream ;) It seems I must learn for myself through direct experience. EDIT: And thanks for the welcome :)
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    Greetings to all. Long time browser, first time poster. Finally decided to man up and get the car of my dreams, though I haven't picked the right one out yet. I look forward to spending more time in this great community.