1. 888

    That went well

    Now thats Deep. Impressive though.
  2. 888

    What's this then?

    Blodge.... I appreciate all and any help i can get with this. I really am about as much use as a 2 yr old when it comes to cars. But I have inherited the Hippo from the wife and I like the old bus. In answer to your Q's Its an 03 and i will look under the bonnet tomorrow.
  3. 888

    What's this then?

    EGR not blanked. Intercooler Hoses replaced 6 months ago. Also taken off yesterday and clean. (ish)
  4. 888

    What's this then?

    it had a new fuel pump fitted in the tank last year... No diagnostics but i think my mate has just acquired some. . No smoke at all.... cant smell anything cos my nose don't work ( seriously lol).
  5. 888

    What's this then?

    The dreaded power loss at approx 70mph.... although we changed the vaccuum pipes and the filter. but tonight it hit the wall at 80mph ( along a private roadway of course)
  6. 888

    What's this then?

    Yes moved before the filter was changed.... now got the vortex mod in there. ( engine still playing up though)
  7. 888

    What's this then?

    I didn't Rev it hard lol... but I moved the car with the bonnet up. but yes the one on the left hand side. It went everywhere in every direction. Lesson learned.
  8. 888

    What's this then?

    I don't think its leaking while the cover is on, As I had cleaned the engine bay after spilling power steering fluid all over the place. I think it must have come out of where the Stud / Bolt was. And now for the stupid Question ... ( I am an absolute waste of space with all this ) but if I...
  9. 888

    What's this then?

    Thanks for the help chaps, Sorted it all this afternoon. However, Took the front cover off , Suddenly realised that the car needed moving. So picked the screws and cover up, struck it up and moved it. So my Question is ....... Where the heck did all that oil come from? It even sprayed...
  10. 888

    What's this then?

    Apparently it wants a modified crank case breather putting in. So does all the back cover ( where the oil filler is) come off without the need for the torx bolt out? You'll have to forgive me if these are daft simple questions but I know not what I do. My mechanic couldn't work out why it was there
  11. 888

    What's this then?

    So we have found the split vaccuum pipe. It will will now go over 70mph. ( out of interest. How quick does a diesel td4 go?) Went to take the rear cover off the engine to check other pipes etc and came across a security bolt... So can somebody please tell me how this is described and size? I...
  12. 888

    A Perished Rubber causing grief

    The rubber is perished and slightly pushed in across the top. its all cracked etc. hoping to open it all up at the weekend.
  13. 888

    A Perished Rubber causing grief

    Nothing worse than a perished rubber...... ours is on the back door handle. handle , lock, all working fine but we have water getting in. Is it possible to get just the rubber or.......... who's done what to solve the problem? Silicone?
  14. 888

    Td4 Lack of power at 70mph - fixed !

    aha... I think ours is just starting to do this..... thanks for this post