1. R

    Freelander side steps question?

    After purchasing yesterday I've just realized that the rubber corner to one of the side steps is missing, is there anywhere that sells these? Thanks
  2. R

    Freelander HELP PLEASE!

    Oh brilliant thanks, will download now!
  3. R

    Freelander HELP PLEASE!

    Yeah all sorted now, I had someone stand at the front of the car whilst I tested it out, have lowered them slightly now, it was also the fact that at a crossing yesterday one of the pedestrians raised her hand to shield her eyes... awkward.
  4. R

    Freelander HELP PLEASE!

    Thanks, so I'm hoping it's just the height adjustment but when I flick the switch to position 2 there's a blue light on the dash? So doesn't that mean it's full beams according that?
  5. R

    New here and question about headlights!

    I didn't get a handbook with the car so I have to ask this incredibly dense question. All I seem to have is dipped beams and high beams?? or perhaps the people that flashed me on the road were in the wrong? It seems to just have the 2 switches on the left column??
  6. R

    Freelander HELP PLEASE!

    Thanks for the tips! I'll see if I have time this afternoon. Just been out to have a look at the headlights but there was nothing on the right hand side, only the window wipers. The only lights I can seem to find are on the left stick, there are 3 positions, off - low - and what seems to be...
  7. R

    Freelander HELP PLEASE!

    Anyone know about the speaker grills? I saw a post that mentioned the door would need removing? However there was another that said the 3 door versions are just clipped in and can be popped out?
  8. R

    Freelander HELP PLEASE!

    Thanks! I'll check this out tomorrow, there was no manual with the car and I haven't had any time to play with the car yet, literally picked up, drove home, parked it up. Will have a look in the daylight. Thanks again!
  9. R

    Freelander HELP PLEASE!

    Hi Guys New here, I'm 21 and have just purchased my first Land Rover, a 2002 Freelander. It's been a long day as I've spent about 8 hours travelling to pick this car up today. Now, this may sound incredibly dense but it was starting to get dark when I was on my way back and I twisted the...
  10. R

    New here and question about headlights!

    Cheers, much appreciated!
  11. R

    New here and question about headlights!

    Also another question, the front speakers are looking a tad rusty, I'd like to remove the grills and paint them. How is this done? It's a 3 door 2002 Freelander Serengeti. Thanks
  12. R

    New here and question about headlights!

    Hi Guys New here, have just purchased my first Land Rover, a 2002 Freelander. It's been a long day as I've spent about 8 hours travelling to pick this car up today. Now, this may sound incredibly dense but it was starting to get dark when I was on my way back and I twisted the headlight...