1. Jasper74

    Paint Codes

    Hi, need to order some paint for my series 3 and wonder those anyone know the correct paint codes for Mid grey and limestone. Cheers
  2. Jasper74

    '74 S3 SWB - project down-under

    Really impressed with this, great work looks the business
  3. Jasper74

    Lego Land Rover

    Wow! Nearly there keep pushing on not far now!
  4. Jasper74

    Series 3 mot fail

    Sacrilege!! Lucky enough here in Ireland vehicles pre 1984 are exempt from mot. Thank god! Think I would need to draw down a mortgage to put mine right!
  5. Jasper74

    Series 3 Ill never wash again!

    Cheers, haven't had a chance to get near it yet but hoping to Monday, noticed something else when I was parking it up, had a quick look under bonnet and there seemed to be quite a bit of oil coming from oil bath ( around top where it's louvred) could this be linked too?
  6. Jasper74

    Series 3 Ill never wash again!

    Cheers lads, ok will check out all of the above. Will be bucket and sponge from now on I think. It's a petrol alright bobsticle. I'll get the WD on to it and see how she goes
  7. Jasper74

    Series 3 Ill never wash again!

    Power washed Jasper Tuesday, then sat at car wash for 35 mins without starting, eventually got going and now it's missing badly.... Intermittently but missing all the same. It sat up yesterday and took it out this evening and still the same. Any ideas? Novice at this stuff but want to sort...
  8. Jasper74

    Free LRO Magazines

    Hey oldyam, if they are not in the skip I'd happily take them off you!
  9. Jasper74

    Lego Land Rover

    How cool is that!!
  10. Jasper74

    Series 2 Confessions of a skin flint.

    Great thread enjoying this... Keep it going bob!
  11. Jasper74

    So now I have the whole set

    Very jealous! Have several uses for a 130 unfortunately that would require funds!!!!!
  12. Jasper74

    Series 3 Its finished.........Sort of!

    Looks good definitely a keeper! How are you finding the original wing mirrors? Toying with changing mine to same but some say they are poor
  13. Jasper74

    Series 3 front bumper removal

    Looks vlass
  14. Jasper74

    Problem turning off

    Thanks for all the advice, brought it to a local landy mechanic who cleaned all valves. If it's a non issue then I'll just try letting it idle before o turn off and see how it goes.
  15. Jasper74

    Problem turning off

    Cheers Chris I have been following those actually, as it happens I put the additive in on Saturday as a tester can't say I noticed that much change but I also adjusted the idle as it was a bit spluttery for want of a better word.... This was all done after the starting stopping started! Bit of a...
  16. Jasper74

    Problem turning off

    Have noticed over the weekend that whenever I stopped and turned off ignition it was like the engine wanted to restart, it wouldn't go the whole way to re starting by itself but engine made a couple of jumps before it finally cut out.... Any ideas? Seems to be after long runs. It's a series 3...
  17. Jasper74


    Nice sound effect there bob!
  18. Jasper74

    Series 3 Petrol additives

    If the additive was not used and it should have been would there be a noticeable difference in the running?
  19. Jasper74

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    Keep up the hard work stretch.... Enjoying watching the hardship but your making progress now
  20. Jasper74

    Power loss

    Good question I doubt it has been converted, the previous owner gave me some lead substitute with it which in probably not using enough of.....