1. M

    Ey up.

    Can this be sent to your mothers house? I'm currently away and will pick it up when I visit her later. Oh look, I can be a smart arse too ;) If I keep responding to these pointless messages I'll have my 50 posts! Keep em' coming
  2. M

    Ey up.

    Is there not a way to confirm you posts relevance via PM?
  3. M

    Ey up.

    BUMP ** Apparently not aloud to post in the for sale section!
  4. M

    Freelander 1 Insulated pipe crushing against steering rack

    Also getting a bang underneath the car which I had originally thought was the turbo kicking in however I read somewhere that this could be a related issue to the knocking?
  5. M

    Freelander 1 Insulated pipe crushing against steering rack

    I thought I had fixed this however I am still getting the knocking noise when i turn hard right at slow speed!
  6. M


    Welcome :)
  7. M

    Defender 110 Heritage Edition

    Welcome :)
  8. M


    Welcome :)
  9. M

    Hello from Chelmsford

    Welcome :)
  10. M

    Freelander 1 TD4 05 Strange electrical buzzing noise

    Sorry to sound like a total novice, but can you run through the process of removing the wheel arch plastic and replacing the pump?
  11. M

    Freelander 1 TD4 05 Strange electrical buzzing noise

    Would something like this do the trick for mine? Cant afford to spend any-more on it! Just treated the car to new discs and pads. I had a look into fitting it myself but looks a little complicated removing cover under the rear seat etc. But you say you don't have to do that on the 05 model?
  12. M

    Freelander 1 TD4 05 Strange electrical buzzing noise

    Bugger! Ok, I'll look into getting it sorted then. Doesn't look like something I would be able to do myself! Thanks all!
  13. M

    Freelander 1 TD4 05 Strange electrical buzzing noise

    Thanks for the reply! Is that an easy / cheap fix? Just searched up on it and sounds like it is the fuel pump.
  14. M

    Freelander 1 Insulated pipe crushing against steering rack

    On my freelander TD4 05 Deisel, when I made a sharp turn at speed I would get quite a lot of noise feedback from the right wheel. I looked under the bonnet and saw the steering rack has been crushing this insulated pipe behind the engine in the below pictures to shreds! I think it's the turbo...
  15. M

    Freelander 1 TD4 05 Strange electrical buzzing noise

    I have recently noticed a strange electrical buzzing noise while the ignition is on, It's very loud and have been ignoring it / drowning it out with music for a while. It's coming from the Rear Drivers side wheel arch.. Or there abouts. Noise below in video. Is this normal? Help greatly...
  16. M

    Ey up.

  17. M

    Ey up.

    Hello all, Been going through stuff on this forum so much i thought it would be rude not to introduce myself. I bought my first LR a couple of months ago. Loving it so far! Anyway hope everyones well. Cheers.