1. S

    French Project: Land rover 127

    we have 12 true FC wheels and we also manufacture 16 wheels that we have made ​​so far Well I do not mean that the land 127 with the latest pictures but to show the true 10 FC rims and 16 made ​​ourselves
  2. S

    French Project: Land rover 127

    569203 roue arriere Forward Control avec le déport 9,5 cm
  3. S

    French Project: Land rover 127

    Thanks! merci a toi pour tes messages et suivre mon project
  4. S

    French Project: Land rover 127

    dernières photos de la 1ERE TRANCHE des travaux et photos de la 1ere sortie Merci Martine pour le torchon Un tablier de def et pare brise de serie, resultat les porte sont trop courtes!
  5. S

    French Project: Land rover 127

    thank for your messages Today I have not much Work Just a small box and some electrical connections
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    French Project: Land rover 127

    The sorry I did not understand Otherwise thank you for your messages, at the front it's not a bull bar but a wheel carrier not to presson the bonnet ( picture before rebuilt)
  7. S

    French Project: Land rover 127

    So it' s the same for me on the forum, it's not easy for me to read Thank you for my landy !
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    French Boy in bretagne next St Malo

    et avec mon pote nous avons des lands en copro come le one ten et le vogue et je roule aussi avec sa serieIII qui lui sert presque tous les jours la narrow track nous sert aujoued'hui pour les bivouacs a la place de la wolf la rapier pas trop de photo on en ferra...
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    French Boy in bretagne next St Malo

    Thank you my project Here: http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=7
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    French Project: Land rover 127

    Hi , J'live next to St Malo, J 'have many land rover et my new project is au 127 Sebastien quelques petites photo du 127 et du LW juste pour le plaisir Quelques petites photos de l'aménagement, on a virer la douche de 90litres c'est il reste les 60 litres bien suffisant, avoir...
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    French Boy in bretagne next St Malo

    thank you you know where I have to write on the forum to present the building my LAnd rover 127
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    French Boy in bretagne next St Malo

    Good Morning I am French 40 years , I have several land rover , I live next to Saint Malo I'll do a topic on photograph of my project land rover 127 Bitsa Seb