1. S

    TD4 auxillary drive belt tensioner

    No problem at all with the original pump replacement job. I managed without removing the starter motor, The problem came when I tried to refit the auxillary drive belt, the adjuster would not go back far enough to allow the belt to be put in place, it moved about 25mm which was enough for the...
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    TD4 auxillary drive belt tensioner

    Thanks for that teddy, I was so wound up with this yesterday that I did not explain the situation properly. I had just finished replacing the Bosch high pressure pump and needed to refit the belt to finish the job, but when I came to move the tensioner I noticed that it would only move a...
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    TD4 auxillary drive belt tensioner

    Freelander TD4 facelift auto. Has anybody had to change the auxillary drive belt (water pump, alternator, power steering pump) tensioner? can anyone tell me how it is removed? Despite searching through here and rave I cannot find anything regarding it. searching for a replacement part seems...
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    Freelander gearbox problems urgent help needed

    There is a lot of testing you need to do before you think of removing the gearbox, all covered here on this forum, firstly check the oil level followed by testing solenoids and plug/socket connections etc, even line pressure testing. A lot of work can be carried out with the gearbox insitu, e.g...
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    Jatco auto box. complete fluid change.

    Thanks for the welcome, but sorry mate, cannot agree with you, if the box did not need a complete change why change any of it? ( the new fluid contains cleaners probably more efficient than the old fluid) all you do is contaminate good fluid. If this was the case you would only need to top up if...
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    Jatco auto box. complete fluid change.

    I picked up another freelander about 2 months ago, 2003 TD4 auto, in fantastic nick but with 170000 miles on the clock. Test run and everything was good, exept for a slight "kick" starting off from 1st to 2nd, hardly noticable really, but I only run autos and so noticed it, while someone else...