1. uktiger79

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Gave my fakelander a good wash and polish, she sparkles now. Also changed the LP fuel pump and filter. Not too bad a job, but then some ####, who had her before, rounded off the nuts on the skillet. Thankfully there are two bolts inside that you can undo to drop it. Also had the intake manifold...
  2. uktiger79

    Easter egg

    Gave mine a wash and polish on Easter Sunday, looked lovely for about an hour then the seagulls arrived
  3. uktiger79

    New boy from Cornwall

    Thanks for the warm welcome. As for two from Cornwall, the roads are so bad down here you need a 4x4.
  4. uktiger79

    New boy from Cornwall

    Hi there I'm Dave a new boy from Helston, Cornwall. I've just got a 52 plate Freelander kalahari 2.0 td4. I've enclosed a pic of my new toy