1. S

    sticking back wheel

    Hi Davec The weather around here on Sunday morn was atrocious, flooded roads and all manner of **** up the lanes, it has never happened before so will consider your suggestion many thanks Steve
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    sticking back wheel

    Thanks skynet...sounds like a job for my local indie steve
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    sticking back wheel

    Help..this morning the boss went off to work and as she rolled forward the left rear wheel dragged on the gravel drive for a good 4 feet before coming unstuck..i know that the rear drums are original and have done 37K but i wonder whether it could mean something more serious than a failing...
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    smoking auto td4

    this response came from another forum but might be of help to somebody "one of the 1st signs of blocked/restricted crankcase breather filter is a a puff of black smoke on autos when selecting reverse. filter part number LLJ500010, if it is left blocked for a time turbo damage will occur - but...
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    smoking auto td4

    i have noticed that when i put the auto box on our 06 td4 into reverse from drive we get a noticable puff of black smoke from the exhaust...although 19 months old the car has only done 12500 miles...i've booted it in neutral, drive and reverse but nothing..only seems to happen when you go from D...
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    Noisy freelander

    This may nor be much of a help but!!..after just 5 days our 06 freebie made such a racket that it sounded like the exhaust was trying to come through the floor..a visit to our local dealer saw a 12 year old tech come out for a ride and guess what..no noise..red faced i got him to sit in the back...