1. F

    Drivers door totally locked out

    Hello dean . I just your reply and was wondering if that will work on my disco as I'm super locked out and the fob nor the key will let me in. Drivers side door lock broken. Thks
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    Drivers door totally locked out

    Hi dean, I've got a 2000 disco and I'm super locked out. I just read your reply about the clip and now I'm wondering if I can do that on my disco. Seems the drivers side door lock is broke and just spins 360 degrees doing nothing. Any help to get in would be great and I'd be thank full. Freightliner
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    Oil sump removal on a 4.0

    Hi thr I have a 2000 disco 2. I would like to remove the sump and check out the pick up tube/screen. Can anyone tell me whts involved to do this please. Do I have to remove the front engine cover or drain the antifreeze out. Any help would be well appreciated.
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    Hello to all, I'm new to this site but I just bought a 2000 discovery 2. It has a noisy tappet...

    Hello to all, I'm new to this site but I just bought a 2000 discovery 2. It has a noisy tappet problem as well that gets louder upon warm up. It's a 4 ltr engine and I would like to repair it myself but I'm new to the landy world and I'm just learning about them. Now as I've been told the...
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    Hello to all from Calgary Alberta canada

    Well I'm new to this site and have done a fair amount of checking out and reading posts on it. Found it to be informative and interesting. Any how hello to all.
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    V8 Tapping when warm

    I'm a newbie here guys to this site but I have a 2000 discovery 2. It has the 4 ltr engine in it and it's doing the very same thing. Start it cold and it's nice and quiet but after a short time I get a lifter tick from the back leafy side. Once it warms up it gets louder as well. I was thinking...