1. P


    maybe i was a little harsh about ur freelander. maybe!perhaps, its possible.
  2. P

    Newby - Greetings

    hi noel,aw rite son.
  3. P


    ta! bit fick me but i got the drift . ****e!
  4. P


    hi welcome. whats a freelander?
  5. P

    LandyZone Car Stickers

    i"l have one an all!
  6. P

    p.a.s for my def 90

    ok ta for that. will have to start makin enquiries .
  7. P

    p.a.s for my def 90

    evenin all. can anyone tell me if its poss to change my 91 ex mod 90 to p.a.s . A. has anyone done it? B. how much? C. is it a n.mare and where to go for the bits etc.
  8. P

    newby saying hi folks

    hi everyone. managed to log on much to my amazement! i"m a bloke from derbyshire livin in C.I.s just got a new old toy. (91 ex mod defender 90) chuffed to bits so far.:D