1. R

    Some Off roading wanted in Essex

    Cool, ive added you... Be good to see you out laning!
  2. R

    Some Off roading wanted in Essex

    Yeh cool, I've done afew round dunmow and got stuck a couple times... I'll see what I can do. What sorta time u thinking? You got Facebook?
  3. R

    Some Off roading wanted in Essex

    Taylonm - I'll more than likely do afew hours out laning on sunday. What truck you in? Dunmore5 - Yeh Bures was good i'll be at the next one!
  4. R

    Essex lanes

    Drizz, you can your convoy got stuck behind us down the lanes out shalford way yesterday... I had ripped a valve out of my tyre and was changing it when you guys turned up! Nice to meet you all n look over the trucks!
  5. R

    Essex lanes

    I'll check it out... Thanks
  6. R

    Essex lanes

    Any of you planning some laning in Essex anytime soon? If so can i tag along?
  7. R

    Some Off roading wanted in Essex

    How often does anyone go out "Playing in the mud" in and around Essex? Ive not long had my Disco and am keen to get out off roading it more!
  8. R

    Good Afternoon...

    Im in Braintree... I should look into this "Essex Club" sounds like good fun. I feel like i need to use it off road more, bures is only now n then and essex off road has closed down!
  9. R

    Good Afternoon...

    Yeah i know of afew... How often do you go out "Green Laning"? And where do you usually go?
  10. R

    Good Afternoon...

    Hi, Just signed up... Ive been reading bits on here for a while so i thought it'd be a good idea to register so i can conversate with you all! Thanks for all the info on offer! In the last 2 weeks, ive bought myself a cheap Discovery1... Wait for it... MPi But, im really impressed with it...