1. I

    Geordie lass in France

    Hi Phil ! Sorry, I didn't see your post :rolleyes: Where are you ? We're just next to Albi, for the moment... I'll wave if I see any of those when we're wandering around ! @ Datatek, yeah, I've been looking in the UK too, but 5000€ was our max for a cheap runabout for the moment, a P38 will be...
  2. I

    Our 1st leak

    Ok. I initially removed it because I was looking for a fuel leak :-D as soon as I stop, in traffic or to park, there's quite an impressive smell. I'm used to it with the Miata as she's running rich, but I don't think it's normal with the gaylander.
  3. I

    Our 1st leak

    Hiya all, As I can't find any photos of anyone else's leaks, I'll post mine, as I don't quite understand why there...as I only thought that that was for keeping the plastic bits on :D I may just be having a dumb blonde moment, but I don't get it... Sophie
  4. I

    Geordie lass in France

    I'd love to, but as I've been self employed for less than 6 months now, I need something that's going to be able to take me around France and tow the MX5 or the Elise. A P38 is totally over my budget right now unfortunately, but that will most definitely be one of the next cars.
  5. I

    Geordie lass in France

    :D They are scared of the British, I get this feeling that I've got 2 heads sometimes. Driving around in a very loud RHD MX5 doesn't help, but I do get strange looks in the shops when I speak english to my boyfriend, who usually replies in French. Oh ! Why used to have an S1 ? We're quite...
  6. I

    Geordie lass in France

    Hmmm, ok. What is it like getting parts for the Rover engine ? What I'm afraid of is that anything Rover will most probably been meddled with. The French are usually scared about fixing English cars, so take it down to the local garage, where the mechanic is usually drunk by 9am, and hope for...
  7. I

    Geordie lass in France

    Whatever you do, don't mention the Germans ... Okay...now what's an L series ? Other thing I want to look into is going 2WD :ban: Here is number one, we haven't found a name for him yet, no doubt we'll work out what to call him when he starts playing up. Here he is hiding behind my MX5 ...
  8. I

    Geordie lass in France

    Hello all ! I'm Sophie, Brit now living in the south of France, just north of Toulouse. I'm a sales agent down here, and I specialize in competition oil and tire pressure management. As my O/H has just bought a Freelander, and that I've totally fallen in love with it, I'm tempted to buy one...