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    mounting acc's in the roof space

    i dont want to mount it under the dash because im quite prone to a bit of wadeing and i often go to deep, haha, so im thinking roof, had it in a cubby box before but im now donning the truck cab onsomble and need the middle seat! looked at cutting it into the dash but its to shallow for my deep...
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    mounting acc's in the roof space

    will have a look at the span idea to see if it will become a potential head hitting issue. adam
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    mounting acc's in the roof space

    im looking to mount a sterio and posibly a cb radio in the roof of my s3, how do people do this? i presume its a case of buying a cradle for the radio and bolting it to the roof. this shouts out negative vibes to me as it involves drillling holes in my roof and letting water into the landy via...
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    Roof rack on a soft top?

    check out this months land rover owner international, it features a section on deep wadeing defenders, the 90 in the testing is a soft top but with a roof rack that looks realy sturdy. may be worth looking into how the mod do it (may be expensive tho) adam
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    Truck cab wanted

    thanks for the kind offer but it wourks out to expensive to post due to size. realy appreciate the offer tho. i have bidded on a roof on ebay im hopefull of winning. thanks again
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    Truck cab wanted

    im after a truck cab for a series 2/3 (i presume they are the same?) if anyone has one knocking about they may want to sell could you send me some pics and how many royal notes your after. i live in birmingham and willing to travel up to 60ish miles for the rite one/price Cheers adam p.s im...
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    chassis welding

    the millitary workshop manual i have has all the dimentions for the chassis, my 109 chasis is different to the civilian chassis, i dont know if the 88 civi is different than the 88 millitary i can email you what i have, adam
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    steering relay keeps striping teeth

    ive made a break threw, of sorts, the splitters of metal i found on top of the relay were actualy just the paint of the new top arm :mad: therefore i took it back appart and double checked it was all ok, the splines are fine and hunky dorey so i reassembled it with new niylock nuts. However my...
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    steering relay keeps striping teeth

    an independant landrover garage who ordered it in for me, from where i dont know. i see what you meen tho i would be surprised if it were that as it had only been used for 3 days before it went. Thanks for the surgestion and i will look into that posibility. i did ponder myself if it may have...
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    steering relay keeps striping teeth

    The splined teeth on the top of my s3 steering relay striped a few weeks back which i put down to old age. i went out and purchased a brand new relay and top arm. Fitted it ass described with the lower and upper arm at 90 degrees to each other. I went away this weekend and to my dismay the teeth...
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    gon 2 far suspension

    i have seen on the net a very cleaver system for leafers that makes leafers gain awsome articulation. check out Google Image Result for http://www.difflock.com/buyersguide/newproducts/gone2far/88_1.jpg Has anyone used the kit, or does anyone know if they still manufacture the kit, the companys...
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    when/where do military sales happen?

    im looking to get an ex millitary 90, does anyone know of anywhere they have mass stock of such land rovers for sale. i live south of birmingham but can travel. Also how do they decide when they pass them onto the public. is it a millage thing, age, condition. What's passing through at the...
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    one shot swivel housing grease

    someone said it affects the realco bushes, not that i know what these are lol
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    one shot swivel housing grease

    Can you use one shot on the swivels on series 3's, its a 1980 109. Some people say yes some say no, whats peoples opinion? can it do any harm? cheers.
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    Ha now try and figure this out!

    yeh i understand all that, it just realy confuses me that it only happens ocasionaly when stationary, bizare, will look at the mc straight away. adam
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    brake adjuster assembly

    thanks for the advice, im not 100% sure tho, could i email you a picture of how i interpret your instructions to imply please? Thanks very much my email address is life on_a_wave@hotmail.com (the spaces are underscores i.e. _)
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    Ha now try and figure this out!

    Just done some work on my land rover 109s brakes, and they are almost perfect, when i press on the brake moving allong they work every time and i get a furm pedal. However occasionaly when stationary still with the engine on, the peddal goes straight to the floor with no risistance. Whats going...
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    brake adjuster assembly

    I understand the rotation of the snail cam, but the new ones are different to the origionals. i cant understand the order in witch the mount and which parts go witch side of the drum plate. this link shows the new ones and the parts they come in, any help would be realy appreciated. SERIES LAND...
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    brake adjuster assembly

    does any one know which way round the brake adjusters go on a series three 109 rear brake. they come in 5 parts but i have no instructions. i cant seem to work out how to shrink the size of a picture to show you, if any one has the time i could email them a picture to help clarify. thanks adam
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    for sale and on ebay!

    My mrs recons shes a Land Rover widdow