1. B

    Replacement steering wheel for 2014 defender?

    LRI solutions (http://http://www.lrisolutions.co.uk) are now doing a Momo boss to fit the new steering sensor. Just ordered a Momo quark 14" wheel for £188 including courier. Edit: the new boss isn't on the website yet but should be soon- I placed my order by phone.
  2. B

    Green Lanes in and around portsmouth

    Chipping in, just gone back to a 110 after a couple of years with a gaylander2, had a 90 before that, and active with the BAFMA/BAMA for those in the know. My brother-in-law works for Hampshire County Council and has access to the up to date rights of way map with current open lanes and recent...
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    Replacement steering wheel for 2014 defender?

    Got a reply from David at JE Engineering today: Hurrah!
  4. B

    Replacement steering wheel for 2014 defender?

    It's a 48 spline column (on my 64 plate 110) But I'm sorry to disappoint- I had the OEM wheel off yesterday to count the splines and there's a new sensor appeared as part of the DSC electronics. This sensor interfaces with the back of the original wheel (not the steering column unfortunately)...