1. Zombieoutbreakserurity

    3.5 V8 carbs?

    Thanks I'll have a look any specific site you were thinking of?
  2. Zombieoutbreakserurity

    Hello, new(ish)

    Hi all, Had a landy, sold landy, missed landy, bought another landy. Just acquired a light 4x4 utility 1972 (that's what it says on the V5) love to hear from anyone else in the Chichester area. :)
  3. Zombieoutbreakserurity

    3.5 V8 carbs?

    after some digging around I've discovered the engine in my landy has been replaced with a mid to late 1970s V8 (10A07997) I'm trying to find some new SU carbs for it, currently has FZX1270 twin SU carbs. Where can I find some, any ideas?
  4. Zombieoutbreakserurity


    joined a couple of years ago sold landy, missed landy, bought another landy! Just found a 1972 light 4x4 utility (that's what the log book says) it also states it has a 3528cc lump, how can I find out is this is original or fitted after manufacture?