1. H

    Alarm/Starting Issue

    Thanks - will try and give that a go! Any recommendations for a decent battery should that be the issue?
  2. H

    Alarm/Starting Issue

    Hey guys, Hoping you can help. My 2013 Puma 110 is having some odd issues recently - when starting, the alarm starts going off, but then it still starts? Until the other day, when it wouldn't start at all but the alarm was still going off. I've tried both keys, does the same thing. I charged...
  3. H

    2013 Defender 110 XS

    Thanks! Any recommendations for the Apply Play unit? Has anyone released a wireless compatible one yet, I know they've been talked about for a while now? Yeah I need to look into the security side of things - what would be the top items do you think? Same! I think maybe some of the LED Halo...
  4. H

    2013 Defender 110 XS

    Old and new together! Spent yesterday finishing off the brake pad replacement on the Disco - what was supposed a simple job turned into need a replacement rear caliper (piston seized) and replacement front calliper carrier (guide pins seized). All done in the end though and one step closer to...
  5. H

    2013 Defender 110 XS

    Okay so had a chance to check it all over more thoroughly, and have noticed a few bits: - the door hinge bolts are starting to look rusty, where am I best to get replacements from? I'm assuming stainless steel is the best bet; anyone know if you can get them in black? - weird bunch of holes at...
  6. H

    2013 Defender 110 XS

    Hey all, Been on here a while, with my 2002 Discovery 2 TD5. Gotten fed up of it always breaking, had it about 5 years so have decided to chuck it in and treat myself! Picked up this 2013 Defender 110 XS with some tasty mods already, decent price and figured now is as good a time as any before...
  7. H

    Disco 2 Lockdown Job List help

    Sorry should have been clearer - the main bend is how I bought it, I got it discounted because it had been dropped during shipping and bent. I tried to straighten it, but couldn’t get it to budge at all - think it’s 3mm steel? The other minor dent is from an incident with a tree at a pay and...
  8. H

    Disco 2 Lockdown Job List help

    Aha thanks all - impressive work @Badger688! Think all that is a bit beyond my skills though, might have to wait for a body shop... Any recommendations for one near near Bracknell/Ascot/Camberley? I've also got an issue with my winch bumper - it's slightly bent, and the powder coating started...
  9. H

    Disco 2 Lockdown Job List help

    Hey all, Like many of us I’m sure, am trying to make good use of the extra time I now have, to tackle the list of outstanding jobs... So has anyone got any bright ideas/suggestions as to how I get this dent out? Cheers, Stephen
  10. H

    Disco 2 New Battery

    Great, thanks both - have ordered one of them now! Should be here tomorrow, fingers crossed. Appreciate the quick responses! Cheers, Stephen
  11. H

    Disco 2 New Battery

    Hi all, Battery is now knackered in my TD5 :rolleyes: is there anything in particular I should be looking for in a replacement/any recommendations? Don't want to spend a fortune but equally don't want to buy a rubbish one! Thanks in advance, Stephen
  12. H

    Disco 2 Urgent - Alternator Replacement Help

    Hm maybe? Honestly not too sure! Gave up in the end, due to time constraints - took it to a garage to do, with a couple of other jobs that needed doing. Shame, but it needed to be sorted! Thanks, Stephen
  13. H

    Disco 2 Urgent - Alternator Replacement Help

    Thanks - I’ve checked the rave manual, and ive removed the fan and belt. I just can’t figure out how to get to alternator to remove any of the plugs off it? There’s too much else in the way? Not sure what it is - in the picture it’s completely blocking access to the alternator? thanks,
  14. H

    Disco 2 Urgent - Alternator Replacement Help

    Hey, so I’m trying to change the alternator on my 2002 D2 TD5, but can’t figure out how to get to the bloody thing?! None of the guides/videos I’ve found seem to show what/how to get to it, just the actual removal itself. I've removed the fan, engine cover, and belt but still can’t figure out...
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    Disco 2 TD5 Starter Motor Help!

    Hey @brian47, did manage to find a multimeter but doesn't seem to be working properly haha. The testing I've been doing was as instructed in the X8R video above, which is the same as your last suggestion. I've just ordered a new one, unfortunately I think this one must've had it! Thanks for...
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    Disco 2 TD5 Starter Motor Help!

    Hi @brian47 and @neilly, I have double checked and triple checked the solenoid repair kit installation, and can't see anything wrong - that video is actually the one I followed, as that's where my repair kit came from! Noticed now that whilst testing, if I keep the contact on for longer, it...
  17. H

    Disco 2 TD5 Starter Motor Help!

    Hey all, So the other day my Disco 2 just wouldn't start (after being driven fine for as long as i've had it, and starting first time every time) which was solved temporarily my hitting the starter motor with a hammer. I've taken the starter motor out, replaced the solenoids with a repair kit...
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    For Sale Discovery 2 Interior Bits

    Sorry for the late response, send me a message with what you would consider a reasonable offer and we'll go from there :)
  19. H

    Disco 2 Front Differential Replacement

    Interesting - forgot to mention it does sound/feel like it's coming from the front though, so hopefully not the rear diff! What exactly am I looking for (sorry bit of a novice when it comes to this stuff). From the outside, I couldn't really see any leaks or anything? Thanks, Stephen
  20. H

    Disco 2 Front Differential Replacement

    All done! And it drives ;) However, the original issue and reason for replacing the diff has not been completely cured...it's a lot better but still there. And looking at the state of my old diff, maybe that wasn't even the issue (although the metal filings and colour of the oil definitely...