1. sarah88

    Off-roading in France June 2016 anyone?

    Just had it pop up on my BBC app. Strikes, delayed everything, riots, no fuel in 12,000 petrol stations and limits at the rest. They are certainly doing industrial action properly! Bah!
  2. sarah88

    Derbyshire laning

    Shall we go for the 14/15th then? Don't mind which day.
  3. sarah88

    Derbyshire laning

    Save us some local ones too for another weekend please. :)
  4. sarah88

    Derbyshire laning

    Why do I get a question mark??? I asked first! lol.
  5. sarah88

    Derbyshire laning

    Hello, Yes, Its been far too long! Looks like maybe Ashbourne... Are you free the 8th /15th /16th for that route Ian?
  6. sarah88

    Derbyshire laning

    Afternoon all! It's been very quiet on here lately. How is everyone? Anyone up for a trip out soon?
  7. sarah88

    90 expedition storage thread

    Acceleration and fuel economy.... We don't have much of either already so that could be interesting. I like the improving ride comfort part though!
  8. sarah88

    Portugal trek august 2015 anyone?

    Hi. Who was it you used in the end?
  9. sarah88

    Portugal trek august 2015 anyone?

    The end of the week is no good, lol! I want to pack today :)
  10. sarah88

    The gathering feedback fred

    +1 Have to confess to originally being slightly dubious having not spoke to many on here (though I think James has made enough posts to count for us both now...) but actually really enjoyed it. Dates permitting we will be back next year.
  11. sarah88

    LZ11 as it happens (put yer pics in ere)

    Wow that has come up shiny again!
  12. sarah88

    thanks to all

    Hey, leave my lights alone! How else am I going to find my tent when we stupidly camp miles away?
  13. sarah88

    thanks to all

    Thanks to everyone behind the scenes and over the weekend. Had a really good time. Hopefully see you next year.
  14. sarah88

    LZ11 as it happens (put yer pics in ere)

    Plus James keeps commenting about how your rescue would have been easier if you were actually in gear..... ;p Glad your on my side :)
  15. sarah88

    LZ11 as it happens (put yer pics in ere)

    But... I made you tea!
  16. sarah88

    LZ11 as it happens (put yer pics in ere)

    Lol, I can honestly say I had nothing to do with this! And I have a witness!!
  17. sarah88

    Derbyshire laning

    I'm at work unfortunately . jcb apparently doesn't believe in bank holidays.
  18. sarah88

    Morocco Easter time 2015

    Good luck and have fun. Send us some pics! Sorry we couldn't make it this year.
  19. sarah88

    Derbyshire laning

    It just wouldn't have been the same without a photo of you smoking along! [emoji14]
  20. sarah88

    Help finding obsolete part

    He's earn himself an extra blanket. Got to assess his fitting skills first. Lol