1. R

    Buying my first Range Rover...helppppp !

    Cheers fellas..... As I expected. Looks like I'll get a Q7 instead :scratching_chin::scratching_chin::scratching_chin:
  2. R

    Buying my first Range Rover...helppppp !

    Hello, I'm looking at buying my first ever range rover.... In the next couple of months.... Been looking around for a while & am still undecided which to get. I have a few specifics like must be diesel, dark colour grey or black, cream leather, and lowish mileage. For around £26-29k I have...
  3. R

    Newbie - hello

    Hello there everybody Hoping for some good advice on here.... As I haven't even bought the car yet. Looking at getting a Range Rover.... Never owned a landrover before so can't wait Cheers:)