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    Student Looking For Land Rover Advice

    That was a little disrespectful. All I'm trying to do is seek advice for my course. :rolleyes:
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    Student Looking For Land Rover Advice

    Thank you all for your responses. Just to reiterate, my project is to redesign a Land Rover showroom, not a vehicle. :biggrin1: I have some questions for you all... What colour scheme and design features would you like to be emphasised in a new showroom? What would be the main...
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    Student Looking For Land Rover Advice

    Hello, My name is Daniel Faulkner and I am currently starting my second year Product Design A-level project that is based around creating an architectural model. I have decided to base my model on the Land Rover showroom, in particular, the ex-showroom on Stafford Street in Wolverhampton. I...