1. M

    no drive on 1993 disco 200tdi

    Hi all, I ended up calling my insurance breakdown(again) and the old girl failed to move this time. The guy wanted me to put both brakes on and then select the gears while he felt around underneath my baby, and then he popped up and said "it's your gearbox mate that's gone, and it would...
  2. M

    no drive on 1993 disco 200tdi

    On tues last week my disco went in for MOT after my hard work on her:). Later that evening the drive just cut out, as in the engine still running and the loss of gears. I ended up pushing the disco into the nearest lay-by on my own with the engine running. I stopped the engine for about 10 mins...
  3. M

    Hello Everyone I'm new

    Hi everyone, I am a new member and a virgin land rover owner, meaning I have just bought my old dream car a 1993 land rover discovery 200tdi 2.5ltr diesel, and there is already some thing wrong with it.:( But I am happy because I wanted one since I was 13 in 1993.:) And need...