1. S

    New series 3 owner.

    It's a 1983 model so i'm sure it's a series 3. in regards to the tyres. They came on the car. the whole thing is noisy so couldn't really tell you.
  2. S

    New series 3 owner.

    nope, we use it as a prop in our Airsoft events, the previous owner who was also in the same "sport" put removable grills on all the windows. we take them off when driving on the main roads
  3. S

    New series 3 owner.

    It looks more like red primer the previous owner used. It's not a good paint job either as it's all over the place.
  4. S

    New series 3 owner.

    it certainly is unique. it's grown on my but my friend wants to paint it Nato green Need to paint the inside as it's all red in the back and also try and find / seal a leak which is letting water in somewhere in the roof. not pleasant when you drive and start getting wet
  5. S

    New series 3 owner.

    Thought i would stick a better picture up of the car.. Just removed the roof rack as i managed to take half it off by going into a multi story car park.. all the bolts were rusted so had to cut the bolt heads off. just put it into the garage to get some bits done as it failed the MOT. mainly...
  6. S

    Replacement Roof Rack gutter mounts?

    true about the car parks. this is the reason i need to take it off as i went into a car part which had a sloping roof and it ended up pushing the rack right back so need to take it off. might see about cutting the heads off. have to see if i've got something suitable to do it with.
  7. S

    Replacement Roof Rack gutter mounts?

    hi all, does anyone know if i can get replacement gutter mounts for my roof rack? they look similar to this: mine are rusted on and i need to cut the mounts to get it off due to the bolts being on solid
  8. S

    Landy / series 3 repairs around surrey?

    Hi all, I've got a series 3 landy that needs it's mot. Off the top of my head I know that the hand brake doesn't work and that the brakes arena little soft. Can anyone recommend anywhere in the surrey area that might be able to help? Would normally tackle work like this myself but i dont have...
  9. S

    Defender pedal position compared to a series 3?

    might see about that as well. although i've got a series 3, it was a joint buy with a mate to use at his events, but i've found myself always looking at defenders for my own use.
  10. S

    Defender pedal position compared to a series 3?

    for some people it probably isn't. for myself it can be.
  11. S

    Defender pedal position compared to a series 3?

    are the pedals set further back in a defender?
  12. S

    Defender pedal position compared to a series 3?

    Hi all, could anyone tell me if the defender has a better pedal position than a series 3 model? As much as I like my series 3 the pedal position is a bit annoying compared to driving a normal vehicle.
  13. S

    New series 3 owner.

    I've seen some vids of series 3 and their gear changes seem to be a lot better and stiffer than mine are. I need to spend some time and start removing things to see what's what.
  14. S

    New series 3 owner.

    It does have a camp pattern on it. Sort of a custom leaf pattern
  15. S

    New series 3 owner.

    Hi all. Just thought I would post and say hi correctly. Picked up my series 3 the other week. Its a joint car with a couple of friends so will see how it goes. Was told it was a V8 model but as I was the one that collected it and not looked at it / purchased it I didn't really look until I got...
  16. S

    V8 petrol to diesel conversion

    It was mainly for some of the miles we plan on doing and the fact i can run it on Veg. It was a joint buy as a mate wanted it for his events company that he does. not really planning in going off road with it. especially in any water..
  17. S

    V8 petrol to diesel conversion

    Hi all. Will soon be picking up a series 3 landrover with a petrol v8. Was wounding what would be needed to for something like a 200tdi engine into it Thanks