1. J

    Help please freelander newbie

    Job done... i managed to borrow an engine crane bit of a struggle on my own but managed just the same
  2. J


    hi all i'm new here and need help >>>>> http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f9/help-please-freelander-newbie-255212.html ta muchly
  3. J

    Help please freelander newbie

    done a search not much help, searched google still not much help, will go there and say hello......
  4. J

    Help please freelander newbie

    hi there chaps, I have recently purchased a 1.8 freelander serengiti and today the top engine mount bolts have snapped, well 1 has and the other has pulled through the threads, i have sourced a brand new replacement now i'm half handy with a socket set as i was mad keen on the v6 vectra b's but...