1. G

    Help with buying portable generator

    Hi guys! Looking for some help and advice on buying a portable generator to run a welder plus other power tools off. I have no idea about the size I would be looking at to suit me. Looking to keep it under £500 if possible. Thanks for any help
  2. G

    Help needed with relocation!

    Moving over to Belfast so want to be working on it over there. It might end up being less than a year to but not sure yet
  3. G

    Help needed with relocation!

    Still looking guys. Struggling to find anywhere suitable though! Anyone got any ideas?
  4. G

    Help needed with relocation!

    Ideally it would need to be indoor yes. For at least a year.
  5. G

    Help needed with relocation!

    Hello guys. I'm looking to move my project series 3 over to Belfast in the next few months. But the big problem is I don't have any storage for it. I was wandering what the best way to find storage or find someone that might know of storage would be? I'm sorted with the moving of it l...
  6. G

    Need a bit of help with the air filter!

    ha ha lads calm down! , flat has the best answer! shes a restoration job that hasnt been touched apart from the odd bodge to keep her going when she was working. its rotted because its old and neglected!! but now painted and in the process of using some of the chemical metal resin on it to patch...
  7. G

    Need a bit of help with the air filter!

    Also I would think that any water you had in the oil would over time still corrode the surface of the filter. So gradually it would wear thin and turn into holes
  8. G

    Need a bit of help with the air filter!

    She has been sitting on a friends farm in the open for about a year. And sometime of that was with a pretty makeshift bonnet. So there is a lot of rust everywhere. And I guess water must have just collected underneath it over time.
  9. G

    Need a bit of help with the air filter!

    excellent help guys thanks
  10. G

    Need a bit of help with the air filter!

    Hi all, just trying to work out how to fix my air filter. its the oil bath type from a 2.25 diesel. The bottom section that holds the oil has a few small holes in it that have rusted through where she had been sat. Has anyone got any ideas on how I can sort it?