1. J

    Odd electrical power problem

    Thanks very much folks. I will get myself a new battery, but I did start looking at a few other things. The fuse box does smell a bit "electrically", not burning as such. having checked for a drain, I did find that Maxi Fuse 1 (one with a "read the manual" icon drew about 0.4A and having...
  2. J

    Just become a P38 owner.............

    LOL, thanks all. Even though my RR does have its faults, that means I have only driven it once, I am still happy to have got it.........for now :hysterically_laughi
  3. J

    Odd electrical power problem

    Thanks guys, much appreciated. Supposedly the battery is only a few months old......hmmm :violent:
  4. J

    Odd electrical power problem

    Hi All, I need some help with an issue on my 96 4.0 v8 P38A. I've only had it a week and it's had a starting problem since day one. I bought it privately, so no comeback! It was fine when collected, drove round to my in-law's house and home again without a problem until the front left...
  5. J

    Just become a P38 owner.............

    Hi Guys, I've just become the proud owner of a 96 4.0 v8 P38....very nice .....oh, other than the issues I have found. Guess I'll be asking for some help then :-) I've wanted a Range Rover for years and am so happy to have finally got one, albeit a cheap and faulty one Cheers Jupi