1. B

    D1 rear prop question

    I am a big ole lad you know, 6ft 7 scaffolder it's tight under there for me :D
  2. B

    D1 rear prop question

    That's not a bad shout mate I'll do that I think , part turned up today so looks like tomorrow morning Ill be doing battle :) On a side question how much grease should be pumped into the prop nipples? Cheers
  3. B

    D1 rear prop question

    Ok difflock first and in gear lovely cheers
  4. B

    D1 rear prop question

    Evening all , I'm going to replace the dohnut on my d1 very soon and I want to drive the rear wheels up on my little Ramps to give me some room underneath to work , when I un bolt and slide the prop back will I loose the hand brake or will it still work on the front prop? Cheers
  5. B

    300 tdi vs td5

    You want anal?
  6. B

    Temp gauge not rising

    Quick update , since removing the viscous and replacing the thermostat the needle sits perfect and the engine gets to temp much quicker , the heaters also kick out some serious heat now , toasty Thanks to all that replied with helpful advice
  7. B

    Temp gauge not rising

    Been out to the shops this evening and it feels a bit freer revving now without that big ole fan , fingers crossed it can stay off
  8. B

    Temp gauge not rising

    Well after the new thermostat the heaters are defo getting hotter and the temp needle does seem to sit alittle higher, Iv now removed the viscous fan and ran it about abit today all seems very well hot warm blowing nicely and temp looks good , I'll see in the Morning if it warms up any quicker...
  9. B

    Temp gauge not rising

    Popped a new one in but not seem to make a difference , should the viscous fan be spinning on first start up from cold? Mine is
  10. B

    Temp gauge not rising

    Got a new thermostat , going to replace that today and see what happens
  11. B

    Temp gauge not rising

    Had I think about it and if I'm honest I don't even know what I viscous fan is let alone how to remove it , anybody near cambridge want to get there hands dirty? :D
  12. B

    Temp gauge not rising

    The thing is the blowers kick out lovely hot air once warm even with the needle on the gauge reading low
  13. B

    Temp gauge not rising

    I can sit and idle all day and the temp gauage won't climb but once I'm driving it will start to climb , if I open the hot air on full it will drop down some? Any ideas lads It's a 300 tdi 97
  14. B

    300 tdi over boosting

    Does if feel like it runs any better now?
  15. B

    Hi from Cambridge

    Keep me informed too please lads I'd like to tag along misses permitting ;-) ,
  16. B

    Hi from Cambridge

    I'm in cambridge mate,
  17. B

    Hi from Cambridge

    Hi buddy , Cambs lad ere :)
  18. B

    window lift channel

    I ended up cutting the rubber into three smaller strips and done it that way worked a charm and not let me down yet ,
  19. B

    Winch bumper and A-bar

    What's you location buddy?
  20. B

    A10 Ely - cambridge

    Every morning around 6.45 I see a light blue disco fitted with hid headlights travel towards cambridge , anybody from this forum?