1. C

    Freelander 1.8 K series need more power

    Ah, sorry, I didn't see a relevant sections page when I registered. Anyway, hello everyone. I have since discovered that my question has been asked before and therefore I have some idea of the lump I shall require; so I'm sorry if I've caused any offence by unleashing a new thread under the...
  2. C

    LZ 10th anniversary celebration

    At the risk of being soundly mocked, what's a tratterer?
  3. C

    Freelander 1.8 K series need more power

    I have a 50th Anniversary Freelander, which I expect one day to be much admired in a motoring museum, if only I can keep it going. In the meanwhile, the head gasket of the second engine I have put in it has blown. Obviously I am upset and rather than risk another original am considering a...