1. D

    South yorkshire

    I used to love hammering down the peage
  2. D

    South yorkshire

    Sounds fantastic Dave! Champagne region as well!! What do the Gauls think of the Tangerine Landys?? Lol
  3. D

    South yorkshire

    Have a great time guys this weekend!:cool2::cool2:
  4. D

    South yorkshire

    Thanks Stacey and Mark really enjoyed tonight really great Nice meeting everyone
  5. D

    South yorkshire

    Tbh mine is still red hot with windows open pal have series doors on so get no air in anyway!
  6. D

    South yorkshire

    My 90 has '240' aircon, never needs a re-gas. 2 windows down at 40 mph!!
  7. D

    South yorkshire

    132! Wow amazing by bruce Guy 2nd place well happy fair play guy! TT is fantastic need cahones like coconuts!
  8. D

    South yorkshire

    Just love the tt its awesome i miss d.j he was my hero Big man big bike big bollox
  9. D

    South yorkshire

    Glad you didnt spoil it dave i've been looking forward to it all day I'm hoping its Guys year!!
  10. D

    South yorkshire

    Not so good for me today been out laning be ringing you monday morning mark! Diagnosis is cam belt failure on ****ty green 90 gutted
  11. D

    Local Lanes ..

    Thanks i will i love green laning i know a few good lanes looks like you guys do too!
  12. D

    Local Lanes ..

    I live in donny myself now mate dont own a landy at minute but Soon be changing that though Know loads of lanes round there i'm a notts hill billy!
  13. D

    Local Lanes ..

    I am born and bred round there mate i know the area well
  14. D

    Local Lanes ..

    Were some of the pics from Elkesley? Through the ford at Crookford?