1. Crookie9823

    Free giving away for nought nothing nada

    Mine has a code in the handbook. My old man bought one recently and came with no code so is effectively useless.
  2. Crookie9823

    Free giving away for nought nothing nada

    Have you got the code for it?
  3. Crookie9823

    HD Rear Door Card

    I have a cassette aux adaptor which lets me run my iphone through it so i get music and hands free. ;) That's what i was thinking just box them up and drill a series of small holes in the card where they are mounted behind. (if that makes any sense) haha
  4. Crookie9823

    HD Rear Door Card

    Still running the stock head unit. Works perfectly after 20 years. :eek:
  5. Crookie9823

    HD Rear Door Card

    I have just acquired a (heavy duty) chequer rear door card for my 300. I was wondering if anyone had done anything different with them, I have seen the usual trays etc people put on them but I'm looking for something really practical and space saving. It is going to be used as a race...
  6. Crookie9823

    Sluggish disco.........not any more!

    Had a crack at this the other day. What a difference!! The truck flies now, I may have it turned a little too far as when my foot is fully planted it gives out a fair amount of the black stuff but I will just turn it back slightly at some point. But to anyone who is reading this and haven't...
  7. Crookie9823

    Knocking noise coming from the clutch

    Hi guys, My 300tdi has developed a knocking noise when the clutch is released in neutral. It sounds fine when the clutch is depressed and I'm not sure if it makes the noise when it's driving as I can't hear over road noise. There is no difference is the drive and the clutch feels as it always...
  8. Crookie9823

    Auto Box fault

    Good luck with the refit!! :)
  9. Crookie9823

    Auto Box fault

    It was only a thought as there was a muddy tide mark half way up the box. But yes it was very old. Just for future reference and maybe a little help for spuggy where can you get internals from?
  10. Crookie9823

    Auto Box fault

    My old mans 300 had a dodgy auto box, I took it out for him to have a look at it found that it was the clutches right at the back of the box had shattered. I assume after getting hot being worked hard off road and then quickly cooled in a river or trench. It was then decided a new box was the...
  11. Crookie9823

    Door lock mechanisms

    Your rear door could be the fact that the actuator could be sat too far forward so doesn't pull the rod down far enough hence not unlocking the door. Just take the door trim off loosen the two 10mm bolts holding the actuator and move it back a fraction, tighten the bolts. This was the problem...
  12. Crookie9823

    Hello from Bristol

    I should have specified a bed for me in the Disco. Haha
  13. Crookie9823

    Hello from Bristol

    Hey, My name is Rob I live in Bristol as a student and Cornwall in the summer as an outdoor instructor. I own a fairly standard Discovery 300TDI. Few mods being: Cut down front bumper, steering guard, modular steels, ladder, in the process of making a bed for it and a few other little...