1. C

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    well id hope it didn't offend him but sometimes the easiest solutions can be overlooked, from my line of teaching there are no stupid questions '' some cable identification for fault finding reasons may be beneficial, if the op is on this train of thought the brilliant, the aim of my post was to...
  2. C

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    this is a fantastic build, i wish you the best of luck with it, if i may make a suggestion could you use coloured heat shrink at the terminations to identify each cable and thus the phases? i take it this would be acceptable now as you're re routing the cables and replacing them with all orange...
  3. C

    finally poking my head out, serial lurker says hello from sheffield!!

    hello and good evening, after browsing on this site for a few months i noticed a few threads where people were being flamed for not introducing themselves before asking questions, and due to my lack of a fire extinguisher and possible purchase of a green oval i thought i best make myself known...