1. N

    Series 3 Sold - 1984 Ex-military Series 3 109"

    Still for sale, now with a full 12-month MOT
  2. N

    Is This Taking the P***

    Indeed so - it's got to have 5 from the unmodified chassis, plus at least 3 from: Suspension (2) Axles (both) (2) Transmission (2) Steering (2) Engine (1) https://www.gov.uk/vehicle-registration/radically-altered-vehicles So with a modified chassis, it immediately fails...
  3. N

    Series 3 My new 109

    I've now posted an ad in the correct bit of the forum.
  4. N

    Series 3 Sold - 1984 Ex-military Series 3 109"

    Sold! Sadly a change of circumstances means I am going to have to sell my 109 and replace her with something more economical She's a 1984 ex-military 2.25 petrol, demobbed in 2001. Chassis and bulkhead are very good, with no rust. Engine runs well, though there's a ticking from the exhaust...
  5. N

    Series 3 My new 109

    Hmm - "series"
  6. N

    Series 3 My new 109

    Thanks Rob. I like "simple" - a colleague of mine had a Merc estate and it was always going wrong and costing him a fortune to fix, due to the complexity...
  7. N

    Series 3 My new 109

    So I'm trying to figure out what to buy that'll be cheap to run, but still have enough space to lug stuff - which basically means an estate. I figure the cheaper I go, the sooner I can save up enough to get another Landy... Currently it looks like a 2003-ish Volvo is the best bet, given that...
  8. N

    New mot rules

    That's incorrect - under the new rules removal or tampering with any part of the emissions control system will give a major fail. https://www.mot-testing.service.gov.uk/documents/manuals/class3457/Section-8-Nuisance.html#section_8.2
  9. N

    New use for Discos - from the Isle of Wight

    According to their FAQ, there's no mods to the chassis, engine, running gear etc (though presumably the steering linkages will need modifying to move the wheel up), so it keeps it's existing reg under the 8-point rule, and doesn't need an SVA. That, of course, is where having a separate-chassis...
  10. N

    Series 3 MOT Exempt ?

    I've read the same, but can't find any kind of official source to back it up.
  11. N

    New use for Discos - from the Isle of Wight

    It'll be interesting to see how much they're going to charge for the conversion kit - If it's within my reach, I'd certainly be interested in one (a camper type) in a year or two's time. Of course that will also depend on what restrictions the government bring in for older diesels...
  12. N

    I miss my Landy

    Indeed so - I've got one for sale at this very moment... (am I allowed to say that?) - it's got a soft-top too...
  13. N

    Early MOT???

    The way I understand it all is as follows: It is illegal to drive a vehicle in a dangerous condition. This applies regardless of MOT state. MOT faults are now in three categories - Minor, Major, and Dangerous If you get a "Dangerous" fault, the vehicle is in a dangerous condition, and is...
  14. N

    Series 3 My new 109

    That's basically the plan - pay off as much of the mortgage as we can over the next few years, then move somewhere more remote - whether that's north, west or east is yet to be decided, and largely depends on the availability of suitable work...
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    Series 3 My new 109

  16. N

    Help on consumer rights - faulty part returned to UK shop

    The magic words you need are "Consumer Rights Act 2015" - this states that the goods must be of 'Satisfactory Quality', 'Fit for Purpose' and 'As Described'. https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/shopping/consumer-rights-refunds-exchange It doesn't matter what they say in their terms and...
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    Series 3 My new 109

    Thanks @59viper and @Huddy84
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    Series 3 MOT Exempt ?

    My insurer's latest email newsletter has an article on the MOT exemption. They say they've contacted the DVLA to clarify things, and state that: They (the insurer) will not insist on an MOT for exempt classics - of course other insurers might have different policies... The MOT exemption and the...
  19. N

    Series 3 MOT Exempt ?

    As far as I can tell from reading it, there's no connection between the historic vehicle tax band and the new MOT regs - so you can easily have one without the other. In terms of the engine, the key thing is the last line in your quote - were people fitting 200TDis within ten years of the end...